Saved by Grace
Saturday, March 22, 2025
Triplets of Praise: How to Worship
Saturday, March 15, 2025
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Image generated by AI |
As a medical journalist, many years ago I wrote an article
on the healing properties of rain forest plants and trees. I interviewed a CDC
researcher in charge of sending teams to the Amazonian rain forest to collect
samples and bring them back to the lab, where they would be analyzed for their
potential role as pharmaceuticals.
One such expedition had the scientists truly excited, as
they discovered that a sample of bark from a particular tree was extremely
effective in neutralizing the HIV virus causing AIDS, without any apparent
toxicity to human cells. At that time, there were very few treatment options
for AIDS, so they sent a team back to collect more bark from that tree in hopes
of producing an anti-HIV medicine.
But to their dismay, upon arrival at their previous
collection site along the Amazon River, they found that the particular tree
from which they had sampled the bark had been cut down by a logger. The felled
tree had been hauled away, but the remains of the stump were surrounded by
trees of the same species. In hopes that the healing tree’s neighbors would
have similar properties, the team harvested bark from each of these, but to no
avail. None of these samples proved to be effective against AIDS, much to the
disappointment of not only the scientists, but to all the patients awaiting a
Thinking back on these events reminds me of how everything
God created is unique, and beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
No two snowflakes have the same design. No two organisms share identical DNA
sequences unless they arise from the same parent cell; and no two humans are the
same. Even identical twins, with similar genetic structure because of their
origin from a single fertilized egg, have different fingerprints. As the twins
grow, they become more divergent from one another in appearance, personality,
intelligence and abilities because of varying environmental and interpersonal
As our Creator (Genesis 1:1; John 1:1-3)
and Intelligent Designer, God made everything and everyone to be unique. He
knew the details of His blueprint for each of us before we were even conceived
(Psalm 139:13-16), and He knew the plans He had for each of us
from before the beginning of time (Jeremiah 29:11). We are His
workmanship, individually created for His divine purpose (Ephesians 2:10).
In His omniscience (Psalm 139:1-6), He knew
which of us would be saved by trusting in the death, burial and resurrection of
His Son (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) as the only Way to Heaven (John
14:6). He equips every believer with a unique combination of spiritual
gifts, natural abilities, talents and attributes, and He places each of us in a
unique sphere of influence to use these to bring souls to Him and to edify one
another (1 Corinthians 14:1,12; Galatians 5:22-23; Romans
Under Holy Spirit inspiration, the apostle Paul compared
the church, or called-out assembly of believers, to the human body. Each member
is important and essential to the well-being of the body of Christ as a whole
and must be used as God intended. The eye is of no use for hearing, nor the ear
for seeing. Christ is the singular Head of the body, and each member serves a
needed function (1 Corinthians 12).
The human body cannot function without its individual
limbs, organs, bones, muscles and other parts visible to the naked eye. Its
specialized cells comprising each organ and system are also vital for human
life, as are the cellular components like the mitochondria needed for energy
production and the ribosomes that govern protein synthesis.
Just as the human body dies if the head is removed, the
church would not exist apart from Christ, the Head (Ephesians 5:23)
and Chief Shepherd (1 Peter 5:4). The church cannot function optimally
without pastors and preachers (undershepherds; 1 Timothy 3:1),
deacons, teachers, musicians, ushers, greeters, nor without those who are less
visible, such as administrators, hospitality planners, nursery workers, grounds
and building maintenance, and security.
But within each category of servers, each member is unique.
Every preacher brings to his sermon the benefit of his unique experiences,
perspective, training, and abilities, as does every teacher to their class.
Every pastor, deacon, counselor and mentor has gone through specific trials
that God allowed into their life to provide them with empathy and experience to
help others going through similar ordeals (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).
Every singer has a unique voice, the composite of their anatomy, vocal tract,
resonance spaces, and training, colored by their emotional and spiritual makeup,
enabling them to reach people responding to varying musical styles.
Provided each of these church members is saved and
doctrinally sound, and that God has equipped them for a particular role, and that
they are willing to commit to preparation and faithfulness with the motive of
glorifying Jesus Christ (Colossians 3:23), each is of great value
to the work of the church. This includes evangelism to save souls; edifying the
believer through preaching and teaching; music to prepare the heart for worship;
and fellowship with the brethren so that we can bear one another’s burdens (Galatians
But a standard of excellence and suitability should be
required for every act of service. It would make no sense to allow a person
with Tourette’s syndrome to be a preacher or teacher, a person once convicted
of embezzlement to be treasurer, a tone-deaf person to sing special music, or
someone with hepatitis to serve food.
Service opportunities should be available for every member of the body
of Christ, but these should be tailored to their unique God-given abilities and
Even if a local church body is blessed to have many members
gifted for a specific area of service, it would be detrimental to those members
and to the church as a whole to restrict their opportunities to serve.
Corporate worship, teaching and fellowship time should not be dominated by a
single individual but should be apportioned among those God has placed there
for His specific purpose. Each member who is qualified based on their sincere
faith, sound doctrine, Christ-honoring motivation and Spirit-led gifts should
be encouraged to grow where God has planted them (Jeremiah 12:2),
for each can use their unique abilities to reach those souls that other members
could not.
If such individuals are denied service opportunities, the church
may discover too late that they are missing when needed the most. What a
tragedy it would be for souls to be lost because that unique believer who could
have spoken to their heart is no longer able to do so, whether through discouragement,
attrition, or even death. May our churches appreciate and utilize the unique position
God gave each believer, before they disappear like the unique Amazonian tree
that could have saved many lives!
Saturday, March 8, 2025
We Shall Be As He Is!
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Photo by John Trainor 2013 |
Saturday, March 1, 2025
One afternoon while my husband was working on
post-hurricane repairs at our vacation home, I decided to walk the beach. The
outside temperature was 72 degrees; sunlight was reflected in gleaming silvery
streaks moving with the rolling waves; and a few lacy clouds dotted the ombre
sky, resplendent in tones ranging from aqua to robin’s egg to royal blue, and
even a hint of cobalt.
The local air force brigade, as we affectionately refer to
the native pelicans, passed overhead in precise military formation. An
auspicious beginning to my afternoon stroll, or so I thought. On our morning
walk, my husband and I had set out toward the nature preserve in search of
shells and fossils, so I decided to walk the opposite direction along the shore
to see what treasures I might find there.
But as soon as I began walking down the beach, the idyllic
experience became an unexpected challenge. I was attempting to walk straight
into the wind, hanging onto my hat to prevent losing it in the surf. The wind rushing
into my face took my breath away. The ground stretching out before me was
reminiscent of photos of the Sahara Desert, as the air currents had shaped the
sand into furrows, and streams of sand hovered a few inches over the surface,
perpendicular to the uncharacteristically hilly terrain. Thankfully, I was
wearing long pants and sneakers, or the streams of sand propelled by the wind
would have blasted my ankles!
When the hope of gathering a few beach treasures and of
reaching my daily goal of 10,000 steps no longer outweighed enduring this
struggle, I turned around to go home. As soon as I changed direction, my
circumstances also changed! No longer facing the headwinds, I now had a light
breeze at my back, propelling me gently down the beach. My hat remained
serenely on my head, its brim no longer trying to bear me aloft as if I were
the Flying Nun in that old television show. The sand was no longer attacking me
but was instead inviting me to sift through it in search of cockle shells and
shark’s teeth.
After a short, pleasant jaunt in the warm sun, I finally
made it back to our comfortable home, where my husband greeted me with an
inviting smile and hug, as well as with approval for the fossil fragments I had
found on the return journey.
This beach stroll reminded me of how much easier and more
pleasant life can be when we experience tailwinds rather than headwinds!
Financial analysts speak of socioeconomic headwinds and tailwinds that may
affect a stock’s performance, and air travel reminds us that these can result
in a late or early arrival. If we are sailing, biking, hiking, kayaking or just traveling
through life, our direction can definitely influence whether we’ll encounter
headwinds, and their impact on our journey and destination.
Sometimes we face headwinds because we deliberately choose
to fly in the face of obstacles. At other times, as in flying to another city, we
have no choice but to follow the designated route, regardless of whether
circumstances favor or hinder our journey.
Spiritually speaking, we can be guided by the gentle breath, or inspiration, of the Holy Spirit nudging us forward, or we can fly straight into His face in a headstrong spirit of rebellion. How much better to have Him as our Comforter (John 14:16), Advocate (1 John 2:1), Counselor (Isaiah 9:6) and Friend (Proverbs 18:24) than to face the wrath of our infinitely holy and righteous God!
Yet even when we are attempting to follow God’s perfect will for our life, we may encounter headwinds. Satan may be throwing obstacles in our path to discourage us, and God may allow it to strengthen our faith in and dependence on Him. Sometimes Satan works through others, perhaps even well-meaning Christian brethren who have forgotten the old tale of the sun and wind arguing over who could get a man walking on the road to remove his coat.
In that fable, the wind huffed and puffed and blew at the man with all his might, but to no avail, for the man only pulled his cloak about him more tightly. But when the sun shone brightly, the man soon removed his coat voluntarily to enjoy the sun’s warming rays. The message of this tale is like the old proverb that it’s easier to catch flies with honey than with vinegar. To paraphrase, we are more likely to shape others’ behavior in favorable ways by being a tailwind to speed them down the correct path, rather than a headwind impeding their progress.
My beach experience also reminded me of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-31). He was lulled into a false sense of security when he left his Father’s house, headed in the wrong direction, enticed by the pleasures of sin, lured away by his own greed and selfishness, and facing increasing obstacles every step of the way. When he had finally burned through his inheritance and sunk to the utter degradation of feeding and living with swine, he came to the end of himself and came to his senses.
Only then did he repent, or change direction and turn
around, realizing he would be far better off as even a servant in his Father’s
house. With each step toward home, his feet must have moved faster and the
burden on his heart must have grown lighter as he grew more confident of the wisdom of his choice to return. Can you imagine how his anticipation changed to
joy as he saw his Father running to meet him, arms opened wide, welcoming him
back with a feast, ring, and finest robe?
When we are saved by trusting in the death, burial and
resurrection of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) as the only Way to Heaven (John 14:6) it is because the Holy Spirit has
convicted us of our sin, shown us that we as sinners must face eternal
punishment in hell unless we trust Christ as our Savior, and led us to
repentance. Once we confess our sins, we have a change of heart and of direction,
turning from rebelling against God to following Him. Then we are a new creation
in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17), as our burden of sin is lifted away.
But even mature Christians can rebel against God and must then
face the headwinds of the consequences of sin. Although God has given us free
will to choose our direction, He loves us too much to allow us to turn away
from Him without a struggle. First, He speaks in a still, small voice (1 Kings 19:12). If we
ignore that, He may take away our privileges or impose punishment. We may lose
fellowship with Him, the joy of His salvation (Psalm 51:12), the peace that passes all
understanding (Philippians 4:7), our health, wealth, or even our physical life.
But praise God, once a backslidden Christian changes
direction to return to the Father, these headwinds may disappear, according to
His perfect will and timing, and be replaced by tailwinds spiriting the
repentant sinner along to restored fellowship with the Father. Praise God, no
matter how far the born-again believer may roam, he will never lose his
salvation, for the Father tenderly anticipates his return home!
Copyright 2025 Laurie Collett
Saturday, February 22, 2025
What If the Mayor Calls?
These freely given gifts also reminded me of how the prodigal son was treated when he returned home to his Father (Luke 15:22). Yet, like the prodigal, we often fail to be good stewards (1 Peter 4:10), indicated in the dream by my carelessly leaving these blessings strewn about and unsecured. Praise the Lord, He is faithful (1 Corinthians 1:9; 10:13) even when we are not, and in the dream someone else had locked the door, protecting us from the consequences of my being irresponsible.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Are You Too BUSY?
In spiritual warfare, the Commander in Chief of the Christian army is the triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We can march forth victorious knowing that the battle is the Lord’s (1 Samuel 17:47), and that we are on the winning side (1 Corinthians 15:57; Romans 16:20).
Still, to be effective, we must know our enemy and his strategies. Satan is not God’s equal or even His opposite; as a fallen angel, he is a being who was created by God to have supernatural powers that are limited by God Himself. When he was Lucifer, an angel of light, God endowed him with great beauty, wisdom and talent. But when his sin of pride caused him to rebel against God’s authority and to exalt himself above his Creator, God exiled him from heaven, along with those angels who joined in the rebellion (Luke 10:18; Isaiah 14:12-15).
God allowed Satan temporary control of the world, its institutions and its governments (Ephesians 6:12). God allows Satan to tempt and attack even His own children, but always for our own ultimate good (Romans 8:28). Satan can do nothing to us that God Himself does not allow (Job 2:6). God turns Satan’s evil weapons into instruments designed for our good, to conform us more to the image of His Son through suffering (Philippians 3:10), to strengthen our faith in Him, to give us compassion and experience to help those going through similar trials (1 Corinthians 10:13), and even to give us greater joy in our mountain top experiences.
We should not be afraid of Satan or his demons, for God’s perfect love for us casts out all fear (1 John 4:18). Even so, we should respect the devil’s power and understand his strategies. Satan may try to intimidate us, but we can prayerfully use the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6: 11-15) to fight him off, just as Jesus did when tempted in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11).
As a former angel of light (2 Corinthians 11: 14), Satan may appeal to our sense of beauty, working through the lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh (1 John 2:16), just as he did with Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:6). He surely will appeal to our pride, trying to convince us that we are self-sufficient and don’t need God. And as the father of all liars (John 8:44), he will distort the truth, which is why we need the discernment to realize that anything added to, taken away from, or changed in God’s Word makes it a lie.
All Satan wants is one little piece of our heart where he can set up shop (Ephesians 4:27). We must resist the devil, and flee from temptations that can harm us (James 4:7; Proverbs 6:27; 1 Corinithians 10:13). If we give in to that bad seed of doubt or fear that undermines our faith, or to that one sin that so easily tempts us (Hebrews 12:1), or to that false teaching that perverts the Gospel ever so slightly (2 Peter 2:1), Satan has established a stronghold. A single virus-infected email can crash your computer. A tiny drop of cyanide in a glass of pure water turns it to poison. Breathing in an anthrax spore can destroy our whole body. It is even more vital that we use the whole armor of God t0 repel Satan’s seemingly innocent intrusions.
When all else fails to neutralize effective, fruitful Christians, Satan tries to keep us BUSY. According to an Irish web designer in Galway, BUSY stands for Being Under Satan’s Yoke. Mature believers who are in God’s will may keep from sinning, at least in their actions. Yet they may all too easily get distracted by things that are not bad, but that keep us from God’s best. God wants us to be productive, but not so busy that we lose our focus on Him and fail to hear His voice. Unlike Satan, Jesus promises us a yoke that is easy and a burden that is light because He will give us rest (Matthew 11:28-30).
Do we want to be like Martha, who loved Jesus but became too burdened with serving to sit at His feet, or do we want the joy and peace her sister Mary experienced by keeping her quiet time with Him her first priority? (Luke 10:38-42)
Time is the one resource that constantly gets depleted and can’t be bought back. When an opportunity passes by to witness to an unsaved soul, to encourage a fellow believer, to minister to someone in need, or to share love and joy with your family, it may never come again. Satan loves to keep us BUSY.
Do we serve on so many committees that we never have time to read God’s Word? Do we spend so much time tracking worldwide news that we don’t pray for missionaries risking their lives around the globe? At church functions, are we so preoccupied with preparing food, or passing handouts, or managing the sign-in, that we ignore those who need a kind word or a loving touch? Do we spend so much time at home cooking, cleaning or paying bills that we don’t notice when our loved ones just want us to spend quality time with them? Satan loves to keep us BUSY.
For those who have turned from their sins and trusted in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the only Way, our eternal destiny in Heaven is secure. But how sad it would be to learn of His perfect plan for our lives that we missed because Satan kept us too BUSY.
Hebrews 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Christ’s Earthly Ministry: Triplets of Love
John further explained that Jesus came in the flesh (i.e. with human blood and born out of the water in Mary’s womb), empowered by the Holy Spirit. We see the water and the blood again when a spear pierces His side (John 19:34) and Jesus lays down His life to suffer and dies on the cross, which was possible only through the power of the Spirit.