Photo by Dominicus Johannes Bergsma 2013 |
I recently dreamed that I was walking in a public garden,
but it was late fall, and nothing was in bloom. I was sad because what had been
beautiful, lush blooms on my previous visit were now shriveled and brown. Even
the plants that bore them were withered and gray.
I was surprised to spot an aster head that still had a few
lavender petals attached, and many seeds within it. I walked from plant to
plant, digging holes with a large twig, and scattering a few aster seeds in
each hole before I covered them over with dirt.
But then I realized that each plant was labeled with a
marker identifying its specific genus and species, and that none of them were
asters except for the one from which I had gathered the seeds. I began to
regret my attempts at replanting, as the asters might grow, but possibly at the
risk of overtaking the plant designated for each space.
When I awoke and thought about the symbolism of the dream,
I was reminded of a passage we had read in our daily devotions a few days earlier,
which included the Mosaic Law about not planting a field with more than one
kind of seed (Leviticus 19:19; Deuteronomy
22:9). This regulation is not repeated in the New Testament, indicating
that it is no longer intended to be followed by God’s people, in contrast to
laws such as to honor your parents (Exodus
20:12), repeated not only by Jesus (Matthew
15:4-6) but also by the apostle Paul (Ephesians 6:2-3).
So what was the interpretation of the dream? The largely
dead garden reminded me of the times the world is now going through as a result
of the coronavirus pandemic. Not only have there been many actual deaths, but
also sickness, suffering and financial loss that tend to kill hope within the
spirits of all those afflicted and their families and loved ones.
Whether or not we are personally affected in this way, all
of us mourn many aspects of our lives that have entered a dormant phase giving
the outward appearance of death. Because of the lockdown, we are unable to
continue many of our usual activities, work, school, church attendance, and
even seeing our extended family, loved ones and communities.
Even many of our ministries appear to have died off, or at
least to be suspended in an indefinite limbo. Many believers who serve in
church will be unable to do so until the doors reopen, and the nature of this
service may change dramatically.
Choirs, for example, are mourning the loss of corporate music,
as the breath flow involved in singing is particularly dangerous even when the
singers are distanced far apart one from another. The arts and entertainment fields
are likely to be among the last to reopen, leaving my husband and me wondering
if our dance ministry will ever again enjoy performance opportunities.
Missionaries are particularly affected because of travel
restrictions, lockdowns preventing door-to-door visits, and public suspicion
regarding tracts or other literature that might harbor virus particles. The
Gideons had to suspend placement of Bibles in hotel rooms and other Scripture distributions.
Yet God will not allow His work to cease (Romans 12:10-12), and will give
new life to our ministries, although these may be transformed from what they
once were. Gardens appear to be dead in winter, and yet we know that they will
bloom again in due season, according to His perfect will and timing (Genesis 1:14; Psalm 104:19; 1
Thessalonians 5:10).
The aster in the dream seems to me to represent the Lord Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to save us from our sins (Romans 3:25). The name “aster”
means star, and He is the Bright and Morning Star (Revelation 22:16) Who appears just before dawn, when all is
at its darkest. The purple color of the aster reminds me of His royalty, for He
is King of Kings and Lord of Lords Who will one day, soon I pray and believe,
return in all His glory (1 Timothy 6:15;
Revelation 17:14; 19:16).
The golden center of the aster reminds me of a King’s
crown, again referring to the royalty of Christ, Who is light (1 John 1:5), with the spike-shaped
petals radiating as beams of light from the sun. The apostle Peter writes that
the testing of our faith by trials of fire, such as the trial of coronavirus
that is now testing all peoples and nations, will be found to be more precious than gold when He rewards us at His return (1
Peter 1:7). Interestingly, in ancient times, asters were placed on the
graves of dead French soldiers as an expression of longing for an end to battle,
and they are said to symbolize qualities of wisdom, faith and bravery.
When Christ returns, all who have been saved by trusting in
His death, burial and resurrection (1
Corinthians 15:1-4) as the only Way to Heaven (John 14:6) will rise in glorified bodies and see Christ face
to face (1 Corinthians 13:12),
and we shall be as He is! Death has no more victory and is replaced by eternal
life! (1 Corinthians 15:51-57)
Death, or at least suspended animation, may seem to prevail
in our current circumstances. But let us always remember that God uses times of
seeming inactivity to prepare a seed to break through the soil and grow into a plant bearing much fruit ((1
Corinthians 15:35-36; John 12:24). Nine months of new life go by
enshrouded in darkness as He knits together the limbs and body of each unique
being (Psalm 139:13-16), made
in His image (Genesis 1:26-27).
We must die to sin and self (Romans 8:13) before we can be born again as God’s children (John 3:3-8). The wages of sin is
death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23). Even as believers
we must die daily to our fleshly desires to allow full expression of the new
life, the Holy Spirit, within us (1 Corinthians 15:31). Even as we
grow weary, we must not give up or lose hope, for in due season we will reap
the reward of our labors (Galatians 6:9;
1 Corinthians 15:58).
In the dream, planting aster seeds alongside each plant
reminds me that our ministries, and all that we do, will flourish again only if
He is an integral part of it. The Old Testament law to keep crop varieties
separate is no longer in effect, and many blessings may spring from working
together, each with our different God-given talents and abilities (1 Corinthians 12). If we sow the
seed of His Word (Matthew 3) in
the hearts of those we encounter, their lives will blossom and bring forth much
fruit! (John 15:5-8).
The nature of how we plant these seeds may differ now,
relying more on phone, written or online communication and less on in-person encounters.
But God’s Word, no matter how it is scattered, will not return to Him empty (Isaiah 55:11). If we are faithful
and persevering to plant no matter what the season (Proverbs 20:4), we will reap a bountiful harvest and be
rewarded by our Lord saying, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:21)
© 2020 Laurie Collett
Dear Laurie,
ReplyDeleteI am impressed by how you can symbolise each part of a flower to various attributes of Jesus Christ.
As for mixing crops in a field, I can still see the wisdom in avoiding this, even if it's not repeated as a law to keep in the New Testament. If anything, it was Jesus himself who made it into the parable of the wheat and tares, such a process brought stress and sorrow to the landowner and his servants (Matthew 13). Also, the Levitical laws on lepers isolating themselves from the community, to wash hands after touching a corpse, etc, are all good science-based advice.
But as you say, only the blood of Jesus crucified can wash away our sins and make us fit for heaven.
God bless.
Dear Frank,
ReplyDeleteI agree that most of the Old Testament laws make good sense from a scientific or medical standpoint, such avoiding unclean animals, which are more prone to carry disease, in one's diet. But, praise the Lord, liberty in Him means that we cannot be saved by trying to keep such laws, nor can we lose our salvation when we fail. Amen -- only the blood of Christ can wash away our sins.
Thanks as always for your enlightening comment. God bless,
Hi Laurie,
ReplyDeletea lovely, lovely post that I really enjoyed reading. I too have dreams and understand where you are coming from here. This is how He accompanies His Word with signs - for you in this experience He used the aster flower.
God bless you for sharing.
Hi Brenda,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your encouraging comment. It is amazing how God is speaking to us in similar ways, through dreams and confirmations as well as through His Word. God bless you too!
Hi again Laurie,
ReplyDeleteyes it does appear that God speaks to us in similar ways, through dreams as well as through His Word. This is scriptural, and I have a sister in the Lord in Wales who also is spoken to in this way.
Amen, Brenda! Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Laurie.
ReplyDeleteI suspect one of the reasons god has allowed this Pandemic is to make Christians think about what they are doing and why. Are we acting out of fear or out of faith? Are we just following tradition" A valid answer will require looking beyond the surface. Churches are going to be changed by this, and especially when they have been just following traditions rather than trusting God.
Thanks, Donald! I agree that God is allowing the pandemic to bring people closer to Himself. Some unsaved will be saved as they are drawn to Him, while believers draw closer to Him in faith and re-evaluate their priorities and ministries. Church leaders especially have to balance wanting to assemble together vs. protecting the flock. Sadly, in some churches a foolish pride comes into play, willing to test God by exposing the flock to unnecessary harm. Thanks as always for your thought-provoking comment. Stay safe and God bless,