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Photo by Miran Hladnik2012 |
I dreamed that my family and I were vacationing in Tuscany
and were staying in an old farmhouse. Our daughter-in-law had collected a
basketful of flowers from a neighboring field, which smelled like lavender but resembled
miniature roses with delicate, triangular petals in spiral array, rather than
tiny buds on a spike as is usual for lavender.
Our son called her to see something he had spotted outside,
so she went outdoors and my husband joined them. I assumed they would only be a
few minutes, so I began dinner preparations. We were planning to make cioppino,
or a stew from local mussels, clams, and other shellfish.
I thought it would be handy to have a place to discard the
shells, and I spotted a small, stainless steel trash can in the corner and
placed it in the center of the long, wooden trestle table. It looked out of
place, so I thought using some of the flowers as a centerpiece would help it
look more festive. I found a small silver bowl, tucked a few of the blossoms
inside, and nestled some lavender-colored tissue paper around them.
My husband returned, took one look at the table, and
exclaimed, “The trash can is in the middle of the table!” He removed it and
set it back in its usual corner, but I explained that we needed a container for
the shells and put it back in the center of the table.
Still trying to be helpful, my husband began to fiddle with
the centerpiece. Much to my dismay, he was plucking out all the bits of tissue
paper I had so carefully arranged.
Then my daughter-in-law entered just in time to question,
“Why is the garbage can on the table?” and “What happened to the lavender?” She
removed the trash can and the centerpiece from the table, replacing them with
the straw basket filled with the blooms she had gathered from the field that
I had to admit it looked and smelled lovely, and it was a
relief to no longer have the trash can as an eyesore and point of contention in
the place of honor. Suddenly I remembered that dinner was in the oven, but when
I opened the oven door I was shocked that there was no cioppino, only a
reheated leftover piece of fish from last night’s dinner that was unlikely to
feed even one of us.
As I awoke and considered the symbolism of the dream, I
realized that the family dining table should be not only the center of family
fellowship, but also a key gathering place for our fellowship with Christian family and with Christ Himself. As He broke bread and drank wine with His
apostles, He asked them to remember Him every time they did this (Luke 22:19; 1 Corinthians 11:24).
Specifically, Jesus asked them, and by extension all of us
who are born-again (John 3:3-8),
to remember His body, broken for us, and His blood, shed for us, to be the
perfect sacrifice to reconcile sinful man with Holy God (Hebrews 7:27; 9:26; 10:12). Later, by rising from the dead on the third day, He proved that He is God, so that all who trust
Him can have eternal life (1 Corinthians
15:1-4; John 3:16).
Each time we gather to break bread, whether as a family, in
Christian fellowship, or at the Lord’s Table in the sacrament of communion, we
should honor Christ as the center (Colossians
1:18). But how often do we let the garbage in our lives, whether sins, weights (Hebrews 12:1), or
works of our own hands that become idols (Psalm
135:15; Isaiah 2:8), take His rightful place?
Family meals are best when they begin with prayer and are
accompanied by conversation showing interest in and support for our loved ones,
and even by discussion of spiritual matters. Yet the growth of technology has
been an effective tool of Satan to disrupt such fellowship and communion, first
by radio and television and now by “smart” phones.
I believe the flowers in the dream symbolized Jesus Christ,
for the fragrance of lavender is as close as we may get on earth to
experiencing His royal perfume (Isaiah
61:3; Exodus 30:37; Song of Solomon 1:3; 3:6), and
the shape of the blossoms were like the Rose of Sharon (Song of Solomon 2:1). The triangular petals were a reference
to the Trinity (Matthew 28:19),
for in Christ we have the fullness of the Godhead bodily, including the Holy
Spirit and God the Father (Colossians
He gave Himself freely so that all who seek Him will find Him
and be saved (Jeremiah 29:13; Deuteronomy
4:29; Proverbs 8:17; Matthew 7:7-8), just as in the dream
my daughter-in-law freely gathered the blossoms from the field and brought them
home to share with us and adorn our table. Upon being saved, it should be our
delight to share Christ with everyone, just as it was for the Samaritan woman at the well, and to make Him the focus of our fellowship and lives (John 4:28-29).
But I had instead allowed trash to occupy that place of
honor. Refuse can look attractive in worldly terms, as the apostle Paul
explained when he said that all his former achievements, education, and
religious zeal were no better than dung in comparison with what he had gained
through His relationship with Christ (Philippians
My attempts to “improve” the natural beauty of the lavender
by putting the blossoms in a silver bowl and arranging scraps of tissue around
them may represent mankind’s vain attempts to be saved by the works of his
hands, whether exclusively, as in the case of Cain who offered God his best
crops rather than the blood sacrifice that God commanded (Genesis 4:2-7), or added to Christ’s finished work on the
cross (John 19:30).
An example of the latter is the Mormon doctrine of “We do
our best, and Jesus does the rest.” Any attempt to add to Jesus’ perfect,
completed sacrifice is an insult to God and His Son. It would be like receiving
a freely given gift of a Rolls-Royce and then insisting that we pay one penny
toward the purchase price.
We are saved by grace through faith, not by works (Ephesians 3:8-9). Jesus Christ is
beautiful and perfect in His righteousness (1
Corinthians 1:30), and we should not attempt to gild the Lily of the
valleys (Song of Solomon 2:1).
The trash can in the dream would not have been needed at
all had I not planned to serve shellfish. When the apostle Peter had a vision commanding
Him to eat unclean animals (Acts 10:9-17),
was God really recommending that he abandon the dietary laws given by God to
Moses? Many believe that to be true, and certainly we do not keep such laws in
order to be saved, but rather it is a matter of individual conscience within
our Christian liberty (1 Corinthians
Peter interpreted the vision as God telling him to no
longer consider the Gentiles unclean, but to freely share the Gospel with them (Acts
10:28; 34-35). Therefore he may have continued to keep Mosaic dietary
law, and certainly he would not have been wrong to do so. God in His infinite
wisdom gave His chosen people these dietary and hygiene laws to preserve their
health, and we can today confirm from modern science the benefits of His
prescribed practices.
I personally avoid shellfish and pork because of the health
benefits of God’s dietary laws, so my serving shellfish in the dream may have
symbolized rebellion against God’s will for my life. When we stray from God’s
perfect plan, there will be consequences. In the dream, my attempt to serve
others with a dish that was not God’s best was thwarted, and I was embarrassed
as I pulled a skimpy leftover piece of fish from the oven.
But a small morsel of food served with love and enjoyed in
fellowship is better than a banquet eaten in the midst of strife and discontent
(Proverbs 15:17; 17:1).
Jesus Himself enjoyed a piece of fish in His resurrected body (Luke 24:42), and the miracles of
the loaves and fishes (Matthew 14:14-21;
15:32-38) during His earthly ministry reminds me that when we honor
Him, He will take our meager offerings and multiply them to nourish all who
gather in His Name!
© 2018 Laurie Collett
Dear Laurie,
I fully agree, the dinner table should be the centre of home family life, especially after the kids spending the day at school and either one or both parents at work. According to a survey conducted here in the UK, the result does confirm that the dinner table has given way to the TV, with eating food from our laps, along with smartphones and the use of the Internet. But that's not all. Our hectic, fast-paced life also means a decline in traditional cooking for a much quicker microwave heating of pre-prepared meals, often consumed "on the go". The decline of family life we once were so familiar with could be one of the main factors contributing to the decline of society's Judaeo/Christian morality and ethics.
As for pork, both Alex and I enjoy eating pork, including in the form of roasted fillet, cold pre-cooked ham, and occasionally in the form of bacon, part of the traditional English cooked breakfast, and we have never suffered any side effects. However, shellfish, crabs and lobsters, does not appeal to us, even if lobster is considered a "status food" by the rich. Maybe this was why Paul the Apostle, when writing to the Corinthians, instructed his readers not to judge on what another brother is eating, but to eat according to conscience.
Quite an amazing dream you had, packed with revelation. God bless.
Dear Frank,
Great point, that the increasing lack of priority placed on quality family meals is no doubt contributing to the overall moral deterioration of today's society. And microwaveable meals, or even worse, fast food, are wreaking havoc with our physical health and diet.
As Paul wrote, we should not judge one another's eating habits, but instead follow what we believe God has shown us to be best for our individual health. One man's meat can truly be another man's poison, as for example, milk and bread being nutritious dietary staples for most of us, yet causing illness in those who are gluten- or lactose-intolerant.
Thanks as always for your insightful and encouraging comment, and God bless,
Great post Laurie.
How often we have substituted trash such as our own standards adn opinions or beliefs for what God has commanded, often preventing us from enjoying what God intends. I agree the move from a home cooked family meal to just eating on the go has definitely wreaked havoc on both our personal relationships, and our physical health. Today, many churches are effectively doing the same thing in their services in an effort to cater to the modern generation.
Thanks, Donald! As you so rightly point out, trash is not only invading our homes, but also our churches. God's Word is sufficient, and there is no needto bring in worldly distractions that draw people away from the Word, and not closer to it.
God bless,
What a lovely dream, Laurie 😊 that’s interesting about the fancy shellfish recipe you had planned, and the fish brought “loaves and fishes” to my mind as well. The Lord provides and His provision may seem humble and not so fancy, but it always “fits the bill” better than our best efforts. I tried to imagine the lovely delicate flowers! They sound lovely, I so wish I could get a better mental image of them. Working in my garden is so fulfilling for me. I love seeing flowers blooming, all that dirty sweaty work paying it’s beautiful reward. I always think about how upside down creation is. The weeds grow like crazy no matter what you do, and the plants and vegetables you want to grow struggle, get attacked by grubs and bugs and snails and diseases like molds, etc, and require constant attention and watering, feeding, pruning, etc. The garden of Eden had no weeds...I wonder if Adam and Eve needed to prune and water etc, probably not as much as is required in this broken world. Thanks for the lovely post! 🌺🌸🌼🌹🌷
So true, Susan, that God knows best and gives us exactly what we need, even if it is not what we think we want. Your garden sounds amazing! I tried gardening on a couple of occasion and always stopped due to the problems you mention, all of which are the result of the curse of sin on the earth as well as on its inhabitants, once Adam and Eve disobeyed. As you say, there were no weeds in Eden; everything was watered by a mist coming up from the ground; and I imagine gardening was a delightful occupation in God's paradise!
Thanks for your lovely comment and God bless,
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