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Photo by Samba38 2007 |
I was so blessed to be the speaker at the Ladies’ Fellowship
and Banquet at Fowler Avenue Baptist Church on May 3! Everyone worked together
to make this “Luau” themed party a memorable event, and with God’s blessing,
the results were truly spectacular! There was a great turnout of church
members, their families, and guests, all made welcome by a gracious hospitality
The food was abundant and delicious, including a whole
island of tropical fruit, with strawberries the size of plums and palm trees
made of pineapples! The Fellowship Hall was transformed into a Hawaiian resort
adorned with flowers, leis, and Tiki lanterns everywhere! All the ladies and
girls were lovely in their floral prints and island resort attire.
As I was preparing my devotional and researching the
Hawaiian custom of the luau, which is a party or celebration, I realized that
much of the symbolism has a parallel in Christian beliefs. In Christ we have great reason to celebrate, no matter what our
circumstances, because we have joy in the Lord (Psalm.32:11; Isaiah. 61:10; Matthew. 25:21,23)
and the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah.8:10).
Even while chained in a cold, gloomy prison cell for preaching the Gospel, the
apostle Paul was so filled with joy that he said to Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice! (Philippians
The luau is held not only to celebrate, but also as an
occasion to show hospitality to those outside our immediate circle of family
and close friends. Scripture tells us to be hospitable even to strangers, because
we may be entertaining angels without even knowing it! (Hebrews 13:2). When Abraham offered a feast to three
strangers who dropped in, it turned out to be the LORD and two angels, and he
was blessed by the news that Sarah would give birth to a son in her old age,
giving rise to a great nation (Genesis
In ancient times in Hawaii, men and woman ate their meals
separately, and women were not allowed to eat foods that were served only to
men on special occasions. However, in 1819, King Kamehameha did away with these
religious laws and taboos (Romans 14:2-3)
and ate with all the women during the luau, with everyone enjoying the special
dishes formerly given only to men.
This reminds me that Jesus Christ, Who is King of Kings (Revelation 17:14; 19:16),
is not a respecter of persons (Acts 10:34),
for all who trust Him are equal and all one in Him (Galatians 3: 26-28). Regardless
of sex, race, nationality, or religious upbringing, all those who place their
trust Him will take part in His marriage supper, which will be the most amazing
celebration of all time! (Revelation 19:9)
To honor the guests of the luau, the host gives each one
a lei, which is a garland or wreath given as a symbol of affection. It can be
any series of objects strung together, like a necklace of beads, but it is usually
made of fresh natural plants such as flowers, leaves, vines, fern fronds, nuts,
and seeds.
On May 1 of every year, Hawaiians celebrate "Lei
Day," so named in 1927 by poet Don Blanding. Since World War II, it has
been the modern custom in Hawaii to give a lei with a kiss. The apostle Paul
four times in his letters tells believers to greet one another with a holy kiss (Romans 16:16; 1 Corinthians 16:20; 2 Corinthians 13:12;
1 Thessalonians 5:26).
But the traditional custom is to give a lei by bowing
slightly and raising it above the heart as a sign of love, allowing the person
to take it, because raising the hands above another's head, or touching their
face or head, is considered disrespectful.
This reminds me of the apostle Paul’s encouragement for
us to submit ourselves to one another (Ephesians
5:1) and to be kindly affectioned
one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another (Romans
12:10). Even in relationships where one person has rightful authority
over another, such as parent to child, boss to employee, or teacher to student,
we should still consider the needs of the other person over our own. If we brag
or boast or lord our authority over someone, God will bring us down, but if we
have a servant’s heart toward others, God will lift us up (Matthew 23:12).
Hawaiians honor leis and what they represent by never
throwing them away casually. If they cannot return leis to the place they were
gathered, they return them to the earth by hanging them in a tree, burying, or
burning them. Because a lei symbolizes the love of the giver, to toss one in
the trash would be a sign of disrespect or ingratitude. Many types of lei can
be left in a window to dry, allowing the natural fragrance to fill the room.
As we celebrate Memorial Day, we remember and honor those
who went home to the Lord before us, especially
those who lost their lives for our freedom in self-sacrificing love, reminding
us of Christ’s ultimate sacrifice (John
10:15,17; 15:13; 1 John 3:16). I am thankful for the
Godly legacy left me by those who went before me, and their memory lingers on
like a sweet-smelling fragrance.
Although we typically think of a lei as a flower garland,
more loosely defined, a lei is any series of objects strung together. In
Hawaii, children, family and sweethearts are poetically referred to as
"lei." Paul describes the church as we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of
another (Romans 12: 5). So we, as members of the church or body of
Christ, can be thought of as a lei, bound together in love as a family.
Each of us is like a flower, different, but more
beautiful and fragrant to God when we come to together in unity of spirit than
we would be separately. Throughout the book of Acts, we hear of Christians in the early church acting together
with one accord, accomplishing far more to spread the Gospel than they could if
each were to act separately (Acts 1:14;2:1,46;
4:24; 5:12,7:57, etc.).
The Haku lei is
a type of lei crafted by braiding three cords together. Haku
mele means to braid a song. A song composed out
of affection for an individual is considered a lei, because it is words and notes strung together
in love. Paul encourages Christian believers to
speak to one another in psalms
and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the
Lord (Ephesians 5:19).
The three cords of the Haku lei remind me of Solomon’s
wisdom that a threefold cord is not quickly
broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12),
meaning that friends who are united in their faith in God strengthen and build
up one another through trials and temptations (Galatians 6:2; Proverbs 27:17).
The threefold cord is also reminiscent of the Trinity (Matthew 3:16-17). Christ is the fullness of the Godhead
bodily (Colossians 2:9). When
our heart believes in Christ’s death, burial and resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:1-4), the Holy
Spirit enters us (2 Corinthians 1:22)
to teach us about Jesus Christ, Who is the only Way to God the Father (John 14:6).
So as we enjoy holiday celebrations this weekend and throughout
the summer, may we remember the legacy of those who went before us and
encourage fellow believers. May we celebrate our joy in the Lord, show
hospitality and love to one another, and be united in Christ, like flowers woven
together in a threefold lei!
© 2014 Laurie Collett
Thank You for so interesting note about Hawaii festival! Greetings from warm Poland.
Thank you Zim, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Greetings to you from sunny (and hot) Florida!
Enjoyed this.
Thanks, Denise! God bless!
This sounded like an awesome event, and a great deal of effort on your part to make it so successful. I loved how you drew in the spiritual application. Beautiful post. Stopping by from Recommendation Saturday! Check out cathyzpeek.com Blessings on your weekend!
Dear Laurie,
Your description of Hawaiian greetings is certainly an eye opener.
Paul's instruction to greet one another with a holy kiss seems a lot more intimate than our greeting custom here in the UK - a mere handshake, often limp, with the two greeters standing as far apart as possible.
I was actually told off by my church elders for hugging other men, which they say is often "inappropriate."
An excellent post.. God bless.
Thanks, Cathy, for your visit & comment! I just wrote and gave the devotional, and so many ladies did all the hard work of decorating, planning, cooking and serving. I'm blessed to hear that you enjoyed this post, and hope you'll be back next week when I plan to discuss the spiritual symbolism of the different flowers in the lei.
Hope you are having a blessed Memorial Day weekend!
Dear Frank,
How sad that your elders discouraged you from showing solidarity and fellowship to men in your congregation with an appropriate physical gesture. Before I was saved, I was generally quite reserved, and would be shy around people who were not close friends and family. But now that I'm saved, I've become "a hugger" and am likely to greet fellow believers this way in church even if we haven't met before. I believe it is a good thing when our joy in the Lord spills over to greeting one another with enthusiasm, for we are all part of His family.
Thanks as always for your encouraging comment, and God bless,
Your celebration of the Luau and applying the meanings to Christian fellowship was outstanding. I am so happy that Women are allowed to eat with the men and that we can learn from one another. Thank you for sharing your wonderful post with us here at “Tell Me a Story.” http://letmetelluastory.blogspot.com/
Great post, Laurie. How often we forget to celebrate God's blessings or to show proper respect and love for each other.
Thanks, Hazel, for your kind words and encouraging thoughts and for hosting! May you have a blessed week in Him!
Thanks, Donald! May we rejoice in the Lord always and treat one another with love and honor. God bless,
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful thought on Inspire Me Monday. I am so glad you linked up with us this week. :)
Thanks, Sarah, for your sweet comment & for hosting!
Blessings to you,
There is simply nothing more beautiful than Lei Day. The flowers, the music, the hula. Gorgeous. Do I miss living there? Oh yes.
~Happy WW
Thanks so much for your comment! I appreciate your perspective on this holiday and am glad to hear that it is as beautiful as it sounds!
God bless,
Glad you had a great event.
Thanks, Bailey! Blessings to you,
Very interesting! <3
I did not know all this about the Luau, Laurie. I love the parallels you draw between this lovely tradition and our life in Christ. I'm always amazed at how you see these things and it is such a gift. Many blessings to you, friend.
Thanks, Julia, for your visit & comment!
God bless,
Thank you, Laura, for your lovely comment. You are a great blessing and encourager!
May you have a blessed week in Him,
this is such a beautifully written post. Love it. Thank you for sharing your sweet blog at the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop. Your participation helps to make it extra special ♥
Thanks so much, Katherine, for your encouraging words & for hosting!
May God bless you richly,
loved getting some background on the customs surrounding Hawaiian luaus! And enjoyed the Biblical lessons you found within the tradition as well. Thanks for sharing this!
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