Nutritionists say that breakfast is the most important meal. If we eat a wholesome breakfast before we start our day, it kicks our metabolism into high gear, fueling our bodies and our minds for the challenges we will face.
But if we run out the door on an empty stomach or grab a jelly donut as we go, we are sure to run out of gas before we accomplish anything worthwhile.
Our spiritual food is even more crucial to our wellbeing
than what we eat. Yet too often we starve our soul by not starting each day with a healthy serving of our daily bread – God’s
Word (Matthew 6:11; Luke
As we have seen in recent posts, water and oil in Scripture symbolize The Living Waters (Jeremiah
2:13) and the Holy Spirit, our true source of spiritual as well as
physical nourishment. Water and oil, along with other nutrients, combine in
milk, bread and meat – basic food groups that sustain us.
The blend of water and oil (butterfat) in breast milk,
along with protein and other nutrients, make it the perfect food for the
newborn infant. For those who are born
again (John 3:5-8), the
“sincere milk” of God’s Word is the best food to nurture their soul as they
taste God’s grace (1 Peter 2:2-3).
Babes in Christ first need to ingest basic Gospel truths – that Jesus, Son of
God, died to pay our sin debt, was buried, and rose again, so that all who
trust Him have eternal life (1
Corinthians 15:1-4;. John 3:16).
As the infant matures into a child and then an adult,
milk continues to
be a dietary staple. Each day in the mature believer’s life should begin with a
refreshing, nourishing drink of Gospel milk. As His Word reminds us of His
mercy, love, and grace, we can taste and see that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8).
God in His provision blessed us with other foods to be
introduced into the diet of the growing child. Bread is also made with water
and oil, which bind together the wheat or other grain providing protein. The
amino acids, or building blocks of protein, in bread complement those in milk,
so that a diet of bread and milk contains all the protein needed for good health. Milk and shredded wheat, oatmeal or other
whole grain cereal, unadulterated with added sugars, make a complete breakfast.
God fed His people with manna – heavenly bread – that He
provided fresh each day as they wandered through the wilderness on their way to
the Promised Land (Exodus 16:4-35).
In the spiritual desert of this world, believers continue to need the daily bread of God’s Word. Like the
manna, we cannot gorge ourselves with it on Sunday and hoard the leftovers for
the rest of the week – we must assimilate it daily.
Not only does His daily
bread feed our own soul, but we need to digest it fully so that we can share it
with others, witnessing as we cast our bread upon the waters (Ecclesiastes 11:1). We should never
underestimate the power of God’s Word to impact others, for He can take even
the smallest amount of daily bread that we are willing to give back to Him and
multiply it beyond measure, as He did with the miracle of the loaves and fishes!
(John 6 :5-14)
Jesus Himself is the
Bread of Life, and we should start each day by turning to Him in prayer and
reflection on His Word (John 6 :33-51).
As we break bread at our first meal of the day, may we remember the Lord’s
death until He comes again (1
Corinthians 11:24-26). Our Savior allowed His body to be broken for us,
to take the punishment required for all our sins, to appease the wrath of
perfectly holy and just God and to reconcile repentant sinners to Him (Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:2 ;
Seasoned believers in Christ should not be content with
milk alone, but to hunger for the “strong meat” of the Word (Hebrews 5:12-14). In terms of
edible food, “meat” in Bible days could include a variety of solid foods: not
only beef or lamb, but also fish (e.g. Luke
24:42). These foods are derived from animal muscle, which is mostly
water with a rich store of protein and essential fats, or oils, such as
omega-3-fatty acids in ocean fish. These dietary oils are vital for heart,
joint and brain health. As some of us
may remember, cod liver oil tastes terrible but builds strong bodies!
“Strong meat” of the Word may contain “hard sayings” (John 6:60) that are hard to
swallow. Specifically, the Living Bread (John
6:51). told His disciples that if they ate His flesh and drank His
blood, they would live forever (John 6:50-58).
Clearly He was not referring to cannibalism, but to the need of each believer
to consume His truths, Word, and lifestyle so completely that they became part
of their very being. Only then would He dwell in them and they in Him (John 6:56).
When we have sinned, eating God’s Word is as necessary as
strong medicine when we are sick, but it is not always pleasant. John found
that eating the “little book” prophesying God’s judgment to be sweet on the
lips, but bitter in his belly (Revelation
10:9-10). If we are to grow in His grace and become more conformed to
His image, we must examine ourselves even in light of the hard sayings, and
incorporate their truths in our very being.
As we grow in our
Christian walk, we should not be content with only spiritual milk of basic
Bible truths in the Gospels, but we should sink our teeth into the meatier
passages in the Epistles, or letters, from Paul and other apostles, and even
the prophetic passages in Revelation.
We are what we eat, and our first meal of the day prepares us to function at full capacity. A healthy breakfast fuels our body, and a satisfying helping of God’s Word energizes our spirit, to run the race He has set before us (1 Corinthians 9:24; Hebrews 12:1) and to fight the good fight as soldiers in His army (1 Timothy 6:12; 2 Timothy 4:7). No athlete should set out to run a marathon without nourishing his body properly, and no child of God should leap into the daily spiritual battle (Ephesians 6:10-18) without renewing their mind (Romans 12:2) in prayer and in His Word.
© 2013 Laurie Collett