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Tinus Badenhorst 2010 |
As born-again believers, we don't know when the Rapture will occur, but we do know that Christ's return is one day closer today than it was yesterday! Looking at the news, it surely seems that the signs of the End Times surround us, growing in frequency and intensity with each passing day, like labor pains, as predicted in Scripture.
For those who do not yet know Christ as their Savior, now is the day of salvation, for we are not promised tomorrow, and once He returns, it will be too late. I therefore felt prompted to repost this blog post from the archives, praying that it will encourage believers and urge the unsaved into deciding for Christ. Look up, for your redemption is near!
A new beginning awaiting all believers is the Rapture, when instantaneously the trumpet shall sound, the dead in Christ shall be raised in
glorified bodies, and living believers
shall be changed into glorified bodies (1
Corinthians 15:52). The sound heralding this miraculous transformation
is described as the shout of
the Lord, the voice of the archangel,
and the trump of God (1 Thessalonians 4:16).
Rapture will occur at the same instant all around the world, creating
pandemonium on earth for those left behind as many pilots, drivers, surgeons and
other believers suddenly disappear in the midst of what they are doing. Some
will vanish at night while sleeping,
others at sunrise or sunset while preparing
breakfast or supper, and still others in
the middle of the day, while working in the fields (Luke 17:34-36).
Yet all
this occurs at the same moment in time, authenticating the Spirit-breathed nature
of Scripture, as this was written nearly 1500 years before Columbus showed that
the earth is a globe!
believers still living at the Rapture will be caught up (Raptured) in the clouds with those believers who died
before, will meet the Lord in the air,
and will forever be with the Lord in
their glorified state (1 Thessalonians 4:17). Once the Rapture occurs, believers will take part in three
events: the Judgment Seat of Christ,
the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and
the Second Coming of Christ.
At the
Judgment Seat of Christ, believers will be rewarded for the work God does
through us in our earthly life, for we are coworkers
with God: we are God's husbandry,
meaning that He raises and trains us; and we are God's building (1
Corinthians 3:8-9),. But because God is a Gentleman, He does not force
His will on any of us, and we must yield to His direction through the Holy
Spirit before His perfect will can be done in our lives.
perfect Foundation of each believer’s life is Christ Himself, but how we build
our lives on that foundation is up to us (1
Corinthians 3:10-11). Work done for
our own glory, to satisfy our own
lusts, or even done for the church but with
the wrong motives will burn up like wood,
hay, and stubble, consumed by the fiery judgment. But good works done to God’s glory, to further His Kingdom, and motivated by love for Him will be purified in the
refiner’s fire and remain as a reward, like gold, silver, and precious stones (1 Corinthians 3:12-15).
by gratitude for His love, holiness
and sacrifice for us, we will cast
these crowns at the feet of Jesus. He alone is worthy to be crowned and to
receive glory, honor and power (Revelation 4 9-11).
the Marriage Supper of the Lamb will be a powerful pronouncement as the voice of a great multitude, as the
voice of many waters, and as the
voice of mighty thunderings, Those present are commanded to be glad and rejoice, and give honor
to Christ the Lamb, Who will marry His bride, the Church, in the
presence of the blessed guests (Revelation 19 6-9). This last group includes the angels; the Old Testament saints who are in Heaven because of their faith in God; and the Tribulation saints, who
were saved after the Rapture and martyred for refusing to take the mark of the beast.
The Tribulation
saints will no longer hunger, thirst,
or suffer from the scorching sun,
for the Lamb will feed them and lead them to living fountains of waters,
and God will wipe away all their tears
(Revelation 7 16-17).
the Marriage Supper, believers will have the awesome privilege of accompanying
Christ as His armies when He returns in His Second Coming for the battle of
Armageddon. We are described as riding white horses, clothed in fine linen, and white and clean (Revelation 19:14).
Heaven we will have new bodies, a new address, and a new name (Revelation 2:17). Our glorified, eternal, perfect bodies will be like that of the resurrected Christ (Philippians 3:21), and
we will never die, age, or become ill.
Instead of pain, sorrow, and tears,
we will experience vitality, joy, and a
new song. (Isaiah 35:10; Revelation
5:9; 21:4).
Our new home will be in our own mansion, (John 14:2), in the New Jerusalem, in the new heaven and new earth (Revelation 21:1-2). The length, breadth and height of the New
Jerusalem will be equal, each 12,000 furlongs, most likely a pyramidal shape.
There will be three gates each on
the east, north, south and west walls of the city, or twelve gates in total, each made of a single pearl. Each wall will
be guarded by three angels and will
bear the names of three of the twelve tribes
of Israel.
there will be twelve foundations of
precious stones, inscribed with the names of the twelve apostles (Revelation 21:12-21)., and the
tree of life planted by the river of water of life will bear twelve kinds of fruit (Revelation
God that when we finally behold Him in glory, we will have unimaginable joy,
for Eye
hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for
them that love him (1 Corinthians 2:9).
It is
my earnest prayer that everyone reading this post will go to Heaven, and that
all of us will join in that mighty chorus of Holy, Holy, Holy (Revelation 4:8), worshipping the
Trinity of God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit throughout eternity.
anyone who does not yet know Christ confess
that they are a sinner in need of a Savior (Romans 3:23), turn
from their sins, and call on His
Name to be saved! (Psalm 116:13,17; Acts 2:21)
Anyone who does this, placing their faith (Acts
16:31) in the death, burial and resurrection
of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)
as the only way to the Father (John 14:6),
can be sure of abundant, eternal life in Heaven! (John 3:16; 10:10).
No man
knows the day or the hour, but current events and the
signs of the End Times (Matthew 24)
suggest that the days remaining are precious few. May we look up, eagerly awaiting the new
beginning of the Rapture to usher us into eternity! It could be this year, this month, or even this very day!
May we be ready by knowing Christ as
our Lord and Savior, keeping His
commandments, and serving Him!
© 2013 Laurie Collett
Reposted from the archives
Hi Laurie,
yes, knowing and having Jesus as our Lord, and learning His ways and keeping to His Word to us will give us the most beautiful eternal life ever imagined. That is why it is so important to try to take every thought captive and bring it into obedience to His Word in our own lives, and to share whatever the Lord gives us to share with both believers and unbelievers. God bless you Laurie for sharing the true Word of God.
Hi Brenda,
Amen -- may all know Him and receive eternal life. May we who are saved bring every thought captive to His Word, and use the talents He has given us to glorify Him. Thank you for your lovely comment. May God bless you richly,
Dear Laurie,
Indeed, how wonderful it would be if we're the Rapture Generation, the only generation throughout the entire history of mankind not to die physically but to be taken alive to Heaven.
Atheists scoff at this, even though they are already aware of the teaching. It's this awareness that after it had taken place and so many had vanished - including some family members and all babies and infants - many of them would get the point and be converted, the first of the Tribulation Saints.
Yet, these saints most likely will have wished that they believed while they still had the chance. Now they would have to face the Antichrist.
Wishing you God's blessings on you and Richard.
Dear Frank,
Amen -- come quickly, Lord Jesus, and let us experience the Rapture!
Sadly, I don't believe that many who rejected the Gospel before the Rapture will be converted, as Scripture says that Satan will send them a strong delusion, and they still will not see the truth. I believe that Satan is already preparing "explanations" for the coming mass disappearance, such as alien abduction, which is a common theme in films, TV, and other media.
During the Tribulation I believe it will be mostly the nation of Israel that will be converted, through the witness of the 144,000, and those who had not heard the Gospel before the Rapture.
Thanks as always for your insightful comment and God bless,
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