
Saturday, March 18, 2023

Going Home


Photo of the Burren by Suzannetmoran 2021

I dreamed that my husband and I owned a home in Ireland, a cozy cottage located in the middle of the Burren, a flat rock formation unique to Ireland, which is blanketed with colorful, delicate flowers in springtime.

We had not been there for a very long time but were now planning to return. As the Burren is only accessible by foot, we had arranged for a car to drive us to the edge of this region, and we would then have a long walk home ahead of us.

As the car dropped us off, it was still dark. But then the sun began to glow on the horizon, the soft pink and coral hues of dawn washing over the fields of flowers, illuminating them like shining jewels, glistening in the morning dew.

Almost instantaneously we were transported to the cottage, its thatched straw roof golden in the morning sun, its white plaster walls gleaming, and its lush garden in full bloom. We were amazed at its perfect state of upkeep, given our long absence and our not having made any arrangements for a caretaker. And yet it was breathtakingly beautiful, warm and inviting in its idyllic setting.

As we crossed the threshold, we discovered that the interior was immaculate, as if lovingly swept and cared for each morning while awaiting our arrival. To our surprise, we found freshly baked bread and wildflower honey in the cupboard and a kettle of tea whistling on the hearth – the perfect refreshment before starting life together in this welcoming home.

I awoke with a sense of peace and joy, yet wistfulness that it had only been a dream. It reminded me of the home that awaits all Christians, those who are saved by trusting in the death, burial; and resurrection of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) as the only Way to Heaven (John 14:6).

When we die, we can’t take anything with us, other than souls we have led to the Lord (1 Thessalonians 2:19) and treasures we have laid up in Heaven (Matthew 6:20), namely, good works we have done with the proper motive to serve our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11-15). Once we are born again (John 3:3-8), we don’t have to prepare for the trip, to pack, or to book accommodations or arrange for these to be made ready, or even to travel. The moment we are absent from the body, we will be present with the Lord, and He will instantly take us to Heaven (2 Corinthians 5:6-8).

Often our life here seems like a journey through the darkness of this evil world (Ephesians 6:12), which is not our home (Hebrews 11:16). But there it will be eternal dawn, lit by Jesus Christ (Isaiah 60:19-20; (Revelation 21:23), Light of the world (John 8:12), Himself! There He has prepared many mansions for His children (John 14:2), no doubt each uniquely suited to our individual preferences and personalities. The delight of each home and of the Heavenly City (Hebrews 12:22) will be far beyond our earthly imagination, although Scripture provides some details about the latter, the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:2).  

Imagine a city with streets of pure gold, walls built of precious stones, and gates of pearl, ruled in perfect peace and harmony by Jesus Christ, inhabited by all who love Him! ((Revelation 21:18-26). Imagine having a glorified body that will never sin, age, sorrow, die or experience pain or sickness (Revelation 21:4), yet that will be able to enjoy eating and drinking (John 21; Matthew 26:29), walking through walls (John 20:19), and traveling at the speed of thought! (Luke 24:30-31). Imagine an eternity to share love, joy, and peace with Him and one another, to rule and reign with Him (Isaiah 32:1), to worship and praise Him! (Revelation 5:8-14).

All this awaits us and so much more! May we run with patience the earthly race set before us (Hebrews 12:1), look up for His soon return (Luke 21:28), and do all we can to bring others to Him, so that we may come home to our loving Father as His Son says, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant! (Matthew 25:21).

© 2023 Laurie Collett


  1. This is a lovely post Laurie, and as I read it this morning in my workroom it was as if every word regarding the interpretation of your dream were how I think too. I say a big AMEN to your last words regarding patiently running the race as we await our beautiful Saviour's return. God bless you Laurie, my sister in the Lord.

  2. Dear Laurie,
    When I read about the dream of your arrival at the cottage in Ireland, I couldn't help my mind recalling the lyrics of the 1960s Tom Jones' hit, "Green Green Grass of Home" - only for the narrator to wake up in a prison cell and realising that he was only dreaming.
    Fortunately, it was just a song. Your dream was based on the fact that we do have a glorious mansion, built by God himself, awaiting us and all who have received a New Birth from Heaven. And its glorious beauty will surpass everything our imaginations come up with.
    A lovely blog.
    Blessings to you and Richard.

  3. Hi Brenda,
    Thank you so much for your encouraging comment and confirmation of the dream interpretation. May God give us His strength to run the race He has set for us. Come quickly, Lord Jesus! God's blessings to you and your lovely ministry.

  4. Dear Frank,
    Praise the Lord that our dreams of Heaven will one day be fulfilled -- but far beyond anything our limited imaginations could dream of! What a glorious day that will be!
    Tom Jones is truly a master of storytellling through song, and "Green Green Grass of Home" tels a very poignant tale.
    Thanks as always for your comment. May God bless you and Alex,
