In a dream I had recently, my husband, son and I are
attending the wedding reception of my childhood friend, who in reality was
unmarried and has recently gone home to be with the Lord. The reception is held
in the meeting room of a hotel, which looks more suitable for a business
convention than a celebration.
There are no decorations, music, or special
lighting, and no signs of the bride, groom or wedding party. At each seat, instead of wedding favors, are clear plastic
bags containing a mismatched assortment of advertising trinkets – a key chain,
shoe shine cloth, pen and matches each bearing the slogan of a different
company. There is a printed program, also containing ads, with an announcement
stating “If anyone wishes to toast the wedding couple, they may do so for $15,
payable in advance.”
A woman I don’t recognize comes over to our table and acts
like we are long-lost friends, claiming that we worked together when I was Director
of Nursing at a VA hospital, which I never was, nor did I ever even work as a
nurse or an administrator. She says she is looking forward to my husband and I
performing a solo dance in honor of the wedding couple, which is news to us,
and we look at each other in surprise.
Before I can answer her, another woman comes over, carrying
a sheet of pictures with my photo on it and photos of four other people, saying
“Oh, you’re obviously the best person to do a toast.” Apparently she thought
flattery would work on me when it hadn’t on the other four on her list, and it
didn’t seem that she knew anything about any of us, even our names. She had
been given the sheet of photos to identify the most likely suspects who might
pay to give a toast to the wedding couple.
On the one hand, I think it is wrong for the host to ask
for money from those who want the opportunity to publicly honor the bride, and
I am even having second thoughts about the whole affair, which seems far more
commercial than festive. But on the other hand, I want to publicly praise and
honor the bride and groom, who, oddly, are still nowhere in sight, and I am
concerned that they will be hurt if I forego the toast.
So I agree to do the toast, advance payment and all, and
excuse myself to freshen up before I am called to the podium. As I stand up, I
realize in horror that my gown is a mess. It is bright pink taffeta, the color
of bubble gum, and way too long, so that I’m afraid I’ll trip over it. Even
worse, there is a large, dark stain across the bodice.
As I awaken in a panic I begin to consider the meaning of
the dream, which I believe was warning me about the need for a right spirit within
the church, or bride of Christ (Ephesians
5:23-32). One day, I hope and believe very soon, all those who are
saved by trusting in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) as the only Way to Heaven (John 14:6) will
attend the most important wedding celebration of all time.
At the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:9),
we will celebrate the eternal union of Christ the Bridegroom with His bride,
namely the called-out assembly of born-again believers (John 3:3-8), or the church. This will occur in Heaven after the Rapture of the church,
when Jesus calls us home and meets with us in the air, along with the Old Testament saints who were saved by faith (Ephesians
2:8-9) before Jesus’ resurrection, and those New Testament saints who
went home to be with Him before the Rapture.
These two groups will be
resurrected into glorified bodies and ascend to meet Jesus in the air. Immediately
thereafter, those believers who are still living will be instantly transformed
into glorified bodies and also rise to meet Jesus and the resurrected saints (1 Corinthians 15:51-52; 1
Thessalonians 4:14-17).
When Jesus had His last Passover meal with His disciples on
the eve of His crucifixion, He said that He would not drink the fruit of the
vine again until He drank it with them in the kingdom of God (Matthew 26:29; Mark 14:25).
I believe He was referring to that Marriage Supper of the Lamb, where Jesus
Christ will be united with His bride the church, and all the Old Testament and
Tribulation period saints will be in attendance.
In the meantime, He commanded His apostles to remember the
promise of salvation through His shed blood and broken body each time they
shared a meal or Communion together (Luke
22:19-20). Communion therefore remembers the past, completed sacrifice
Jesus made to pay for all our sins; honors the present fellowship of the bride
of Christ with Him and with one another; and anticipates the future Marriage
Supper of the Lamb (1 Corinthians 11:23-26).
Communion with fellow members of the bride of Christ should
be filled with service to and love for one another, and remembrance, love and
honor for Jesus Who paid our sin debt in full (Hebrews 10:10) so that we can eagerly look forward to the
Marriage Supper of the Lamb and blissful eternity to follow.
The apostle Paul warned the church at Corinth not to take
part in communion lightly, and to reflect on our relationship with Christ and with one another to
restore any wrong attitudes before we partake in this fellowship (1 Corinthians 11:16-22,27-34). I
believe that the dream was warning me that if we’re not careful, individual churches
can lose sight of the Church, the dearly beloved Bride of Christ for whom He
died (Ephesians 5:25), and
even of Christ Himself (Revelation 2:4).
My husband and I are blessed to be part of a loving,
Bible-based, Christ-honoring church that prays for and ministers to our
members, visitors, community, and global missions. The precious Name of Jesus
is exalted at every service and His Word is preached, taught and sung. But
there is a disturbing trend among many churches to forget their identity as
part of the bride of Christ, and to incorporate worldly traditions and ideals
in their services, meetings, and community interactions (1 Corinthians 11:16-22).
The strangest part of my dream was the absence of the bride
and groom at their own wedding celebration. Christ, the Bridegroom, has
promised that if two or more are gathered in His Name, He will be in their
midst (Matthew 18:20). But if churches
honor others instead of Him, His Spirit may no longer grace their meetings with
His presence.
I was shocked and saddened recently to see a large,
expensive advertisement for a church Easter celebration that not once mentioned
the Name of Jesus, His Resurrection, or plan of salvation. Instead, it spoke of
“celebrating the new you” and featured a large head shot and name of the
musical guest artist. It boasted “no ticket needed,” for in fact this service
seemed to be more about a concert honoring a singer, than a worship service
praising our risen Savior.
In my dream, even the bride was absent. If churches are not
careful, their meetings will become little more than social networks to catch up
on the latest news, fashion and gossip, rather than to strengthen fellow believers in their faith and understanding of Scripture (Hebrews 10:25) and to bear their burdens (Galatians 6:2) and share their
joys. In such meetings, the true Bride of Christ is missing, for the “church”
members are relating to one another as they would to unsaved acquaintances,
focusing on worldly things and not on Jesus.
Some churches today are so large that most of the members do not know one another, which may deprive the members of accountability and opportunity for Christian friendship. In my dream, even the hostess appeared to lack any genuine relationship with or even knowledge of the guests.
Not surprisingly, the atmosphere in my dream was impersonal, drab, lifeless, and lacking the joy (Psalm 21:1; 35:9) and hope (1 Peter 1:3) that should perfume the air (Hebrews 1:9) at any wedding celebration, and especially one honoring the union of Christ and His bride. As is common in the world, commercialism prevailed, with advertising gimmicks and even fees charged to honor the bride and groom.
Some churches today are so large that most of the members do not know one another, which may deprive the members of accountability and opportunity for Christian friendship. In my dream, even the hostess appeared to lack any genuine relationship with or even knowledge of the guests.
Not surprisingly, the atmosphere in my dream was impersonal, drab, lifeless, and lacking the joy (Psalm 21:1; 35:9) and hope (1 Peter 1:3) that should perfume the air (Hebrews 1:9) at any wedding celebration, and especially one honoring the union of Christ and His bride. As is common in the world, commercialism prevailed, with advertising gimmicks and even fees charged to honor the bride and groom.
Many “Christian” organizations charge dues or require “suggested”
donations, and many churches not only regularly sell merchandise, beverages and
food but have become meccas of multi-level marketing. I wonder, if Jesus were
walking the earth today, if He would throw down the sales racks, cash registers
and catalogs and chastise the churches for becoming a den of thieves instead of
a house of prayer (Matthew 21:13; Mark
11:17; Luke 19:46).
Sadly, some church budgets seem to prioritize branding,
giveaways and worldly entertainment to draw in large numbers, preferably the
wealthy. Meanwhile, they neglect the poor and hurting in the community whom
Jesus has called us to serve (James 1:27;
2:1-9); they overlook sound doctrinal teaching (2 Peter 2); and they omit the Name of Jesus (Acts 4:12) and His shed blood from
their music, which is designed to soothe itching ears (2 Timothy 4:3) rather than to glorify Him (Psalm 95:1).
Those who attempt to serve at such world-oriented churches
may find that they have to pay for the privilege, or that the churches are
hiring paid musicians and denying their own members service or even giving opportunities.
I heard of someone who joined a megachurch and reported excitedly, “They’re so rich that we don’t even have to
How sad that “church” members would be led to miss out on
the blessing God has promised (Malachi
3:8-12) to those who faithfully obey His Word, including the tithe! But
much of today’s “church” has become like the church at Laodicea, rich in goods
but poor in spirit, causing Jesus to be nauseated by their lukewarm attitude
and wrongly placed self-sufficiency (Revelation
In such a setting, the lost are unlikely to be saved, and even
saved believers will not thrive spiritually. Every believer should be clothed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ, shining and spotless as a wedding garment
(Isaiah 61:10). But many at
such churches will be left behind when Christ returns for His bride, and they
will be ashamed at their ill-fitting, inappropriate, sin-stained garment (Matthew 22:1-14).
May we not forget our first love! May our hearts burn with
passion for Him and for one another, honoring Christ and His bride until He
comes again!
© 2017 Laurie Collett
Dear Laurie,
ReplyDeleteI once belonged to a Baptist church whose senior pastor's ambition was to expand to become more like the Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago. He knew Bill Hybels personally. Thus, over the years, his Sunday sermons became more money-centred rather than Christ-centred, to make it possible to buy extra land and build upon it.
My own experience with megachurches is that they tend to have two or more morning services, make money a high priority, and not get to know the majority of people who attends, especially those attending the other service.
I eventually left that church in 1989 to join the one at Ascot - a much smaller by far more intimate, single-service church centred on Jesus Christ and the Bible.
Blessings to you and Richard.
Dear Frank,
ReplyDeleteWe left our former church because we felt God was calling us to a smaller church where we felt we could be of more service. The former church's pastor, we felt, also had mega-church aspirations, which wasn't our reason for leaving, but when Richard's designated "service opportunity" was to count the cars in the parking lot, and when grandiose building plans were announced and yet missions support stagnated, we began to feel the priorities were misplaced. When we moved to our current church, we felt at home in the midst of a loving church family that sacrificially supported missions and outreach. This was a wonderful blessing, in addition to the great opportunities for service that brought us there in the first place. Thanks as always for sharing your comment. May God bless you and Alex,
Hi Laurie,
ReplyDeleteI have been so busy lately that I have not been able to go onto people's blogs for some time. The amazing thing is - the Lord's timing, it is perfect. This morning I was thinking 'I must get back to reading my blogger friends' posts.' Earlier this morning I was sorting out what my husband calls 'A mess'- many drawers of paperwork in my workroom. I came across some introduction to a 'church' I have been to in the past. I hadn't read it before, but some of the things pointed out to me in the writing were not scriptural, and what you have written in your post goes together exactly with what I thought when I binned that written introduction to that church. I am not saying that there were not nice people in that gathering, there were many nice times that I had there, but I believe absolutely that the fullness of God's work on earth is being restricted by many 'churches' which are more like 'businesses' and fall far short of what the church is described as in the scriptures. I enjoy going wherever the Lord sends me, and I am forever learning in the Lord, but at the moment it is on my blog, outside when I am shopping, and taking communion with my friend in Wales on the phone that the Lord is speaking to me and through me. God bless you Laurie for sharing your lovely post. It is not coincidence that what I was shown this morning in my workroom was read by me, and so was your post. God's timing is perfect.
Hi Brenda,
ReplyDeleteI am blessed to hear that God used this post to confirm what He was saying to you in other ways. Amen -- His timing is always perfect, and His message clear. He is not the author of confusion, but of peace. May we stay true to His Word and His bride, the true Church.
God bless you and your lovely ministry,