
Saturday, April 3, 2021

Because Christ Is Risen!

What difference does it make that Christ rose from the dead? It makes all the difference for everyone and everything throughout eternity! It is the single most significant, paradigm-changing, earth-shattering event of all time.

Because He is risen, we can live with Him forever! The center of our Christian faith is knowing not only that Jesus, Son of God and God Himself, died on the cross to pay our sin debt, but that He rose again to give us eternal life. That is the heart of the Gospel, or Good News (1 Corinthians 15: 1-4). Christianity is unique among the religions because we serve a risen Savior! The leaders of all other religions are dead and there is no claim of their resurrection.

The list of appearances of the risen Christ is to dispel all doubt that He not only rose from the dead, but that He appeared in a resurrection body for more than 500 witnesses to see at different times and places (1 Corinthians 15:5-8; Acts 1:3; Matthew 28).

The resurrection of Christ proves His deity (Romans 1:3-4). The resurrection of Christ completed the work God the Father sent Him to do; namely, as God the Son, to be the perfect, holy sacrifice that paid for our sins (2 Corinthians 5:21). When that was finished (John 19:30), He returned to His rightful place at the right hand of God the Father (Hebrews 1:1-3).

The resurrection of Christ is essential for us to have eternal life and for our salvation (1 Corinthians 15:12-20). It is evidence that when God looks at each of us as believers, He sees not our sins, but the pure holiness of His Son who gave us His righteousness by taking on our sins (Romans 4:24-25).

The resurrection of Christ is the proof that He is the righteous Judge to whom all must give an accounting one day (Acts 17:31)

The resurrection of Christ is the reason believers have hope (1 Peter 1:3-5). All believers in the resurrection who, through faith, have accepted Christ as their Savior, are saved and are eternally secure in their salvation (John 10:28-29; Romans 8:33-39).

The resurrection of Christ is the reason believers can be confident in receiving glorified bodies at the Rapture and spending eternity with Christ (1 Thessalonians 4: 14-17).

Praise God that we serve a risen Savior! May the power of His resurrection inspire your daily life, secure your salvation, and guarantee your eternal destiny in Heaven as a child of the King! He died for you, and because He rose, you can live with Him forever! Trust Him today!

John 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: 26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.

© 2012 Laurie Collett
Reposted from the archives 



  1. That's right Laurie, Jesus is the only One Who rose from the dead. There is no
    other person written about and worshiped in other religions who did this. He was, and still is, the only One Who had a love that caused Him to die for others to be reconciled to God, and He is the One mediator between God and man that enables those who believe in Him to have eternal life. God bless you Laurie.

  2. Hi Brenda,

    Praise the Lord we serve a risen Savior! His infinite love bridged the gap between our sin and His holiness. His tomb is empty, He sits on the right hand of the Father, and He is coming soon!

    God bless you too,

  3. Dear Laurie,
    Indeed, it's that time again when we give special attention to the bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ - and through him, we are seen by the Father as equally righteous as His Son, and we too will be resurrected to receive new bodies identical to His.
    Wishing you and Richard a happy Easter.
    God bless.

  4. Dear Frank,
    Amen! Praise the Lord that He has imputed His righteousness to those who trust Him, making us joint-heirs of salvation, with a known destiny of eternity with Him in Heaven, in glorified bodies that will never sin, age, die or feel sorrow or pain.
    Thanks as always for your Scriptural comment. Happy Easter to you and Alex and God bless you both,

  5. Because the Resurrection of Christ is so vital, Satan has done everything he can to make people doubt it throughout history. His attacks still continue today, but despite his efforts, is is just as true today as it was when he came out of the tomb. Thank God, no amount of claims to the contrary can make it false, regardless how many do not believe.
