
Saturday, October 13, 2018


I recently dreamed that I was getting caught up on some much needed housework when I discovered a forgotten collection of house plants hidden behind a pile of clutter on a coffee table. I was amazed that they were still alive, and even seemed to be thriving, as I had completely neglected them and could not even remember where they came from!

Two plants in particular caught my eye. One was a bright green spearmint plant, and the other a desert succulent, its spiny leaves resembling Aloe vera, but with a beautiful, exotic, lavender bloom that resembled a lotus blossom in shape.

I checked the soil in all the pots and found that it was bone dry to my touch. Somewhat gingerly, as I realized the plants had done so well without my attention, I decided to water them. As the streams of water from my watering can hit the dirt, the soil fragmented into large clumps, exposing the roots, which appeared to be healthy despite the small plastic pots that contained them.

It was not until the evening after I had the dream that I even recalled it, my memory awakened by reaching for the Bible I like to read aloud to my husband as we travel in our car. Shortly after I began to read, I realized that my skirt was damp where the open Bible was resting on it, and that the cover must have gotten wet from an umbrella my husband had placed near it after last night’s storm.

That evening in church, I was surprised to see a young Muslim woman whom I first met about two years ago, when she had visited the Bible study class I teach. Although she then had many questions about Jesus, the Bible, and salvation, which members of my class and I attempted to answer thoroughly, we never saw her again until the evening after I had this dream. She has since returned several times, spoken with the pastor and missionaries, and appears to be soaking up God’s Word.

Several evenings after the dream, my husband and I attended a dance concert at a college where we had been blessed to perform one of our dance ministry pieces a few years ago. A young woman who looked familiar, although I could not immediately remember why, crossed the crowded reception area to greet me with a big hug.

“You don’t know me,” she said, “but I performed in the same concert with you and your husband a few years ago, and you guys are awesome!”

Then I remembered that she had told me at our first meeting that she was encouraged by how we used our dancing to glorify God, and that we had spoken briefly about how she could best discover and follow God’s plan for her life, in accordance with some Bible verses I gave her. As these memories were resurfacing in my mind, she excitedly introduced me to her fiancé and explained that she was now a first grade teacher, using her love of dance and of God to engage the children under her care.

The symbolism of the dream, the moist Bible, and these two meetings suddenly came together for me. We are to faithfully sow the seed of God’s Word (Matthew 13:140) and to foster its growth in others, even if we see no fruit from our efforts immediately or even further down the road. As the apostle Paul said, some plant the seed, some water the developing shoot, and some tend the mature plant, but it is God Who brings the increase (1 Corinthians 3:5-8).

The plants in my dream were thriving despite my lack of ongoing care for them, the absence of recent watering, and their being planted in cramped containers. Once we plant the seed of God’s Word in someone’s heart, His Spirit will facilitate its growth through His direct work (John 3:5-8; 16:13; Luke 11:13) and indirectly through the ministry and witness of others (Romans 10:14-17).

The watering of developing faith also occurs through His Word (Ephesians 5:26), as God reminded me with the rain-dampened Bible that moistened me as I read from it. It was as if the Living Water (John 4:10; 7:38) poured from Heaven to God’s Word, thereby cleansing me!

We may hand a stranger a tract, pray for them, or witness to them in a brief, passing conversation, never in this lifetime to see them again or to know what, if any, impact we had. But I believe God gave me an encouraging glimpse, through this dream and through second meetings with these two women, that our work for Him is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58), and that His Word will not return to Him void, but will accomplish His purpose (Isaiah 55:11).

The spearmint plant reminded me of the school teacher, as mint is a spreading herb with many offshoots, and this woman is now in a position to nurture many budding young minds. I had also recently read an article about the potential of spearmint to enhance memory and cognition, and I believe that God will use this teacher to grow her students in the knowledge, wisdom and love of God (Proverbs 9:10; Ephesians 1:17).

The succulent plant reminded me of the Muslim woman, and of Hagar calling out to God in the desert to save Ishmael, who would grow up to be the father of the Muslim nations (Genesis 17:20), from dying of thirst (Genesis 20:13-20) . At our first meeting, her manner and disruptions were somewhat abrasive, like the spines on an aloe plant, but over time, a precious flower appears to have blossomed, reflecting the opening of her heart to God’s truth that I had not perceived before.

The healing and soothing qualities of aloe (Psalm 45:8; Song of Solomon 4:14; John 19:39) may represent the peace (Philippians 4:7) and joy (Psalm 35:9; Isaiah 61:10; Habakkuk 3:18) that I pray she may someday be able to share with her family and community through a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Succulents and mint are both hearty plants, able to survive and propagate even in conditions of drought and poor soil. Similarly, I believe that God created us with the resilience to continue in our quest for Him even with little nurturing from our environment. That being said, as good gardeners, Christians should continue to feed, water and protect whatever souls God plants along our wayside.

On those rare occasions when we do have a second encounter with those whom God has previously brought across our path, we should not hesitate, as God opens the door, to check on their spiritual state and to continue to water their developing faith and provide the light of His Word (2 Timothy 4:2; 1 Peter 3:15). Their reaction to that Word may reflect what will grow in their heart, and whether the Word is falling on shallow, stony, choked or good soil (Matthew 13:1-23).

Praise God that He rewards our obedience, and not our “success.” It is the work of the Holy Spirit to lead a soul to be born again (John 3:3-8), and our work to share the good news of the Gospel (Matthew 28:19). Our message must be that Jesus, Son of God, came to earth in human form (John 1:14) to pay for our sins in full through His agonizing death on the cross; that He was buried; and that He rose again on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:1-4), proving His divinity, so that all who trust Him will have everlasting life (John 3:16).  

Praise the Lord that He need not rely solely on any one of us to bring a soul to Him, but that He can work through many of us, all of whom will share in the soulwinner’s crown (1 Thessalonians 2:19) when we face Him at the judgment seat! May we therefore not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season, we shall reap, if we do not faint at the task! (Galatians 6:9)

© 2018 Laurie Collett



  1. This is a lovely, lovely post (testimony) Laurie, I agree with all you have written. As I began to read your post 1 Corinthians ch. 3 came into my mind, and you spoke of that later.
    God bless you Laurie, I too love the way God reveals things to us through dreams.

    1. Thank you so much, Brenda, for your encouragement! God speaks to His children in many ways, mostly through His Word, but I also believe through dreams.
      May God bless you and your lovely ministry,

  2. Ik vind het heel mooi. I love this so much. Beautiful and thanks

    1. Thank you, Aritha! I'm blessed to hear that you enjoyed this post!
      Love in Christ,

  3. This was so encouraging Laurie. Always enjoy reading your posts . You really have a gift for sharing God's word in a way pretty much anyone can understand . God bless and keep you .:-)

    1. Thank you so much, Sateigdra, for encouraging me! I am blessed by your kind words. To God be the glory! May He bless and keep you too!

  4. Dear Laurie,
    By looking at your header photo and your description of it, it does look like one of the cactus species, although I'll accept that I could be wrong. Unfortunately here in the UK, our cool temperate climate does not encourage Cacti to grow naturally, let alone to flourish. Therefore, we have miniature potted versions which survive reasonably well indoors, like the five varieties of cactus presently enhancing our living room.
    But they can never hold a candle to those thriving at a desert park located in Scottsdale, Arizona, where many were the size of trees. I visited that site whilst staying at a backpacker's hostel in nearby Phoenix in 1995. And these plants also seem to be very happy in California, especially around San Diego. Ah, memories! Memories!
    As for sowing of the seed, I remember a time when I never ceased to testify that Jesus is the Son of God. Sometimes I was accused of "pushing religion down another's throat". Other times I was outwitted by intellectual responses or asked questions I could not (yet) answer. And there were times I became discouraged and want to pack this whole "evangelism" thing in completely.
    However, I could never deny that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ, and I'll testify at any given opportunity.
    That's why I love blogging. It's one rather excellent way of testifying.
    Thank you for your excellent post and God bless.

    1. Dear Frank,
      The photo is indeed of a cactus bloom, but the plant in my dream looked like an aloe vera plant with a single, large lavender blossom. In looking for a photo for this post, I realized that the aloe flower is a tall spike with many orange buds, and so I thought this photo would be a better representation of what I saw in my dream.
      It is sad that people accuse Christians who are eager to witness with "shoving religion down their throats." Rather, the joy and excitement of being saved should bubble over in our hearts and to our lips, much as what happened with the Samaritan woman at the well. That being said, there is a fine line between speaking the truth in love and becoming judgmental or even hostile, which sadly is the case with some street preachers. I'm sure God gave you wisdom and discernment to know how to witness, and I pray that you would not become discouraged from doing so. As you say, blogging is also an excellent way to sow the seed, and you probably won't know until you reach glory how many hearts you have brought closer to Christ.
      Thanks as always for your insightful comment, and God bless,

  5. Such a beautiful and encouraging post, and imagery in your dream!! I love how God revealed all that to you and how you thoughtfully share it with us, and with all the scripture to reference. Funny, reminds me I was just away for a month and I was concerned about leaving my plants, and that when I came back they would be dry and withered, but when I came back (just the other day) they were all flowering and lush, I was so surprised!! Even morning glories that I desperately wanted to see while I was here, and hadn't yet bloomed, were in bloom on the vines when I got back, big and blue and glorious, and there were even the first three grapes became edible fruit! that those too I had been waiting and waiting for and almost gave up that they would become fully to fruition. From reading your post I feel God showing me how it is His timing, His water, and His hand that brings about the flowers and fruit, and all my worrying, effort, and wanting to see fruit in my time is something I need to surrender, and give to Him and trust. BTW, It was my husband who watered the plants while I was away! Another story in itself!! Blessings and Shalom!!

    1. Praise God for His perfect timing in allowing you to see the blooms and fruits of your harvest, and for using your husband in this way as a wonderful demonstration of his love for you! God's work will always be done, with or without us, but what a blessing He gives us by allowing us to participate! Thanks so much for sharing your experience, testimony and experience. Shalom and God bless you,

  6. Long time since I have visited, thank you for sharing God's love. God bless you, Pam i Norway

    1. So good to "see" you, Pam! Thank you for your visit, comment and encouragement, and may God bless you too!

  7. Great post, Laurie. So many times people think it is up to them to get a profession when in fact all they need to do is water the plant and allow God to produce the salvation in his time.

    1. Thanks, Donald! He does not need us to complete the conversion, as that is only possible through the power of the Holy Spirit. Praise God that He allows us to take part in the process and rewards us for it.
      Thanks as always for your comment, and God bless,

  8. Love this post, thank you Laurie ❤️ I had a Jehovah’s Witness visitor last week. She and her daughter came to our door moments after we had just returned from a trip to California. I had so much going on , a quick thought to the Lord “ please help me make this quick” and the words came very quickly yet we had a nice but rapid chat. I pray the Lord brings her to question her beliefs, especially her approx 13 year old daughter, that the Lord causes them to seek Him not religion. God bless you for how He works through you Laurie ❤️🙏

    1. Thank you, Susan, for your encouragement and for sharing your testimony. Joining you in prayer for salvation of these two souls that God brought across your path.
      Love in Christ,
