
Saturday, May 14, 2016

Mary Magdalene: Triplets of Redemption

As we have seen, the three women named Mary whom the Bible highlights as being especially significant in the earthly life, mission, and ministry of Jesus Christ are Mary, mother of Jesus; Mary of Bethany; and Mary Magdalene.  The name “Magdalene” indicates that this Mary came from Magdala, a city on the southwest coast of the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus stopped to preach (Matthew 15:39)

Mary, mother of Jesus, was the central figure in Jesus’ family, biologically related to Jesus as His mother. Mary of Bethany, along with her sister Martha and her brother Lazarus, were Jesus’ closest friends. But Mary Magdalene initially had no family or friendship ties to Jesus. Rather, she experienced the miracle of His healing firsthand, for she was the woman from whom Jesus cast out seven demons (Luke 8:2).

So it is with knowing Christ – some are blessed to be born into a Godly family of born-again believers serving Him (2 Timothy 1:5). Being surrounded by the Word, fellow believers, and church from a young age encourages the child to be saved (Proverbs 22:6). Others may not have a Christian heritage, yet God brings saved friends into their life to lead them to the Lord (Proverbs 17:17; 27:17; Mark 5:19). Still others have neither saved family nor friends, yet they realize the depths of their own depravity and that they are sinners needing a Savior (Psalm 30:3; Matthew 9:13).

Regardless of how we come to the Lord, it is an individual decision of faith in Christ’s death, burial and resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) as the only Way to Heaven (John 14:6). Being associated with a Godly family or Christian friends is no substitute for our own personal salvation, which is why many “good” churchgoers are doomed to hell (John 3:18) unless they repent of their sins, accept Christ and believe in His completed work on the cross (John 19:30) as the only sacrifice that could pay for all our sins (John 1:29).

When we face Christ, we will do so alone, and we cannot claim any rights to Heaven by virtue of our family, our social circle, or our own good works (Ephesians 3:8-9). Only His righteousness, which is credited to our account the moment we trust Him, can wash away our sins by the precious blood He shed for us (Romans 3:25).

So Mary Magdalene represents the sinner who knows she truly has no merit apart from what Christ has done. She and other women were plagued by evil spirits, infirmities and devils before they met Jesus. After Jesus cast out seven demons from Mary, she became one of His closest followers, as did Joanna and Susanna, also mentioned by name among other women healed by Jesus who devoted their resources to His ministry (Luke 8:2-3).  Once we are saved, may we also give Him freely (2 Corinthians 9:7) of our time, talents and treasure!

Mark tells us that Mary Magdalene and the others had followed Jesus, had ministered to Him in Galilee, and had come with Him to Jerusalem (Mark 15:41). But in contrast to all the movies showing Mary Magdalene intimately involved in all the key events of Jesus’ earthly life thereafter, the Bible does not give us any details of her ministry until we see her at the cross.

Mary Magdalene was at His cross, accompanied by Mary the mother of Jesus, and Salome, the mother of Zebedee’s children (His disciples James and John). Mary Magdalene remained with His body at the cross, as Joseph of Arimathea laid it in the tomb, and she even remained by the stone after the tomb was sealed (Matthew 27: 55-61; Mark 15:40,47).

For her faithfulness, Mary Magdalene received a very special three-part reward -– she was among the first to see the empty tomb; she was the first to see the risen Christ; and He gave her the awesome privilege of telling His disciples that He would see them again!  

At the tomb, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary met with the angel of the Lord who had descended from Heaven, rolled back the stone, and sat upon it. He had a face like lightning, clothing white as snow, and a terrifying appearance causing the tomb guards to fall down as if dead (Matthew 28:1-4).

Praise God for the angel’s good news: Jesus was crucified, but was no longer in the tomb, for He had risen! The angel told the women to fear not, but to go quickly, and tell his disciples that He was risen from the dead, that He would go before them into Galilee, and that they would see Him there. So the two Marys left the tomb quickly, ran toward the disciples’ meeting place, and were about to tell them when Jesus Himself appeared to them! And they came to Him, and held him by His feet, and worshipped Him (Matthew 28:5-9).

John, the disciple whom Jesus loved, emphasizes Mary Magdalene’s role in his narrative of these events (John 20:1-18). She came to the tomb early, on the first day of the week, while it was still dark. This illustrates that Jesus is most likely to meet with us if we seek Him first (Matthew 6:33), giving Him top priority, even while the darkness of yesterday’s despair still lingers (Psalm 30:5).

When she saw the stone rolled away, she ran to Peter and John, and witnessed to them of what she believed to have happened: someone had taken their Lord’s body, for He was no longer in the tomb, and she did not know where He was. Whether or not they believed her, Peter and John ran to the tomb to see for themselves (John 20:2-10), for her testimony had prompted their action. Even if we cannot directly lead someone to the Lord, our sincerity should stir them at least to consider what we have said.

In despair as she stood outside the tomb, Mary wept, stooped down, and looked into the sepulchre. But she was not alone! Two angels in white, one at the head and one at the feet of where Jesus had been laid to rest, asked her why she was weeping, and then Jesus Himself, standing behind her in the garden, asked her the same question (John 20:11-13).

At first she did not recognize Him, and said that if He had taken Jesus away, would He please tell her where the body was, and she would claim it. It makes me wonder how often Jesus speaks to us through another person, and yet we fail to recognize His voice! But when He called her name, she knew Him to be her Lord, Teacher and Master!

Jesus instructed Mary not to touch Him, for He had not yet ascended to His Father, but to return to the disciples and to tell them that He was ascending to His Father and their Father, and to His God and their God! (John 20:14-18) How amazing that Jesus confirmed here that His followers are worshippers of the One Triune God (Colossians 2:6-10), His Father’s children, and joint-heirs with Christ! (Romans 8:17)

What an awesome blessing, privilege and responsibility for Mary Magdalene to be the first to see the risen Christ, to hear His voice, and to receive His commandment to tell others the Good News! Once we have our first encounter with the risen Christ by trusting Him as our Lord, Master and Savior, may we follow Mary Magdalene’s example of faith, obedience, and faithfulness!  

© 2016 Laurie Collett
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  1. I love how God uses those with checkered pasts and issues, even bestowing extra honor upon them. To me, it is one of the greatest proofs of His great love for us. It gives me hope, when I am so focused on my own failures! God bless you, Laurie. This is another great post!

    1. Amen, Cheryl! Praise God for the Master Potter Who remolds all the broken, damaged pieces of our lives into a glorious vessel He can use in His service! Thank you for your kind words and encouragement.
      Love in Him,

  2. Dear Laurie,
    In my latest blog I have brought up the issue about the three women at the tomb. I suggested that the woman who cried out "Rabbi!" might have been Mary the sister of Martha and Lazarus, but I accept I could be mistaken, and it might have been Mary Magdalene. As long as the main point of the narration is that Christ is risen.
    Another well-written blog based on the Triune nature of Holy Scripture.
    God bless.

    1. Dear Frank,
      Thank you as always for your comment. John 20:1-2 tells us that Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and told Peter and John what she had seen. In verses 3-10, Peter and John go to see the tomb for themselves, then return home. Verse 11 says "But Mary stood without at the sepulchre weeping: and as she wept, she stooped down, and looked into the sepulchre." Then she encounters the risen Christ. I always assumed it was the same Mary as in vs. 1-2, i.e. Mary Magdalene, especially since whenever one of the "Marys" is mentioned for the first time in a passage it has a more specific description. But as you say, the main point is that Christ is risen! Thanks again for encouraging me to review this chapter once more! As I mentioned in an earlier post, I believe based on Scripture that the woman who anointed Jesus' feet with her tears, perfume and hair was Mary of Bethany. But many art masterpieces portray her as Mary Magdalene, and there is an argument to be made for that as well.
      God bless,

  3. As you so aptly pointed out, salvation is ultimately an individual's choice. While those who have been taught by family and friends often have a better understanding of what is needed, many of them depend on what they know instead of accepting Christ for themselves. Mary committed herself to the Lord, and her past became irrelevant.

    Great post.

    1. Amen, Donald! God could save even Saul, who killed Christians in the name of religion, and no one is beyond His saving grace. Conversely, no one (but Jesus) is "good" enough to make it on their own merit, or that of their family or friends. Thanks as always for sharing your insights.
      God bless,

  4. Thank you so much for this Bible Study!I love it!

    1. You're very welcome, Ariella! I'm blessed to hear you enjoyed the post!
      Love in Christ,

  5. Wonderful post, Laurie! Thank you for sharing the good thoughts and information.

    1. Thank you, Connie! I very much appreciate your kind words and encouragement.
      God bless,
