
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Planet Hugs

A dream I had recently whisked me away to the fantasy destination of Planet Hugs. In this dream, I was on a sightseeing trip, walking through a large city, when off in the distance a large, globe-shaped structure seemed to be beckoning to me. It looked like an interesting place to visit, and what would be the harm in wandering in?

But once I was in the lobby, the imposing steel gates locked behind me. A polite but stern guard informed me that I should have read the sign posted on the door. The building was not open for tours, but only for filming of a reality TV show, and by entering I had in effect agreed to a contract to participate. Funny that I hadn’t seen any such sign, but being in the show sounded intriguing and might even make me rich and famous, I convinced myself.

“Planet Hugs,” hosted by Tim Gunn, appeared to be a cross between Project Runway and the Apprentice. We were assigned to teams, each with the mission to design, complete, and market a creative project. A woman on my team suggested a project of questionable taste that was not at all appealing to me, but Tim liked it, and he asked me to write up the proposal. I hesitantly agreed, wanting to be a team player and not wanting to be the first one fired, but disliking the project and not wanting to be associated with the woman’s ideas.

The woman immediately responded by ranting and raving, accusing me of stealing her plan and screaming nasty names at me, with others soon joining in the tirade. Tim suggested that the team cool down by taking off the rest of the evening and exploring Planet Hugs.

Although disturbed by the unsavory project and wounded by my team’s rejection of me, I was quickly distracted by all that Planet Hugs had to offer. The panoramic view of the surrounding city was breathtaking, as the entire top half of the globe was glass, supported only by thin ribs of steel. Brilliantly lit skyscrapers flashed like light sabers, and streets and rivers crisscrossed below in an electrifying array.

But the truly unique feature of Planet Hugs was the “floor.”  One could hardly call it that, as underfoot was a shifting sea of what felt like massage heads suspended in memory foam! After all the walking and emotional turmoil of this unusual adventure, it felt wonderful to lie down, to let my knotted muscles relax into that foam and feel the tension drift away.

At least initially. To my dismay, the gentle motion of the memory foam beneath me swelled in intensity until I was completely enveloped in smothering waves that covered even my head, suffocating me in what felt like a giant vat of dough being mechanically kneaded.

I awoke and sat up in a panic, but the sensations of air freely filling my lungs and the floor beside my bed firmly supporting my feet were a great relief. As I thought about the dream, I realized how easy and dangerous it is to be enticed by what the world seems to offer.

Seldom are there signs warning us to keep out, and if we get enticed by what lies within, the signs may be easy to ignore (Proverbs 1:10-19). The very name of Planet Hugs was a lie from Satan, the father of lies (John 8:44), as the pretense of kindly affection and bodily comfort was merely a disguise for verbal and physical attack.

Since the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:6), Satan has used three lures to draw us into sin and away from God’s plan: the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16). Planet Hugs seemed to offer a view out of this world, the constant availability of soothing massage, and the opportunity for fame and fortune, but all it delivered was strife, fear, and ultimately death (Romans 6:23).

We must therefore guard our feet against taking us into wicked places (Psalm 1:1), our minds against conforming to the world (Romans 12:2), and our hearts against any idol that would keep us from Him (Psalm 119:11; 141:4). We must be vigilant to avoid the devil’s attacks (1 Peter 5:8) by putting on the whole armor of God and recognizing that the battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:11-18).

If we are double-minded, trying to please and follow the world and God at the same time, we will be unstable in all our ways, tossed about in the churning waves of doubt and unbelief (James 1:6-8; Genesis 49:4). There is no stability in building our lives on the world’s promises, which are sinking sand leading only to destruction (Luke 6:48-49). Instead we must build our lives on the only sure foundation (Psalm 87:1), Jesus Christ Who is the Rock (1 Corinthians 10:4) and the precious Corner Stone (Psalm 118:22, Isaiah 28:16; Matthew 21:42; Mark 12:10; Luke 20:17; Acts 4:11; Ephesians 2:20; 1 Peter 2:6-7).

Believers stand firmly on His promise of Heaven through faith in His death, burial and resurrection as the only Way (1 Corinthians 15:1-4; John 14:6), but even we must be careful to build wisely, and not foolishly, on that foundation. What we do to increase our standing in or acceptance by the world will burn up at His judgment like hay, wood, and stubble, but whatever we do to His glory with the desire to please Him and serve others will remain, like gold, silver and precious jewels withstanding the refiner’s fire (1 Corinthians 3:10-15).

We don’t need hugs from the world if we are firmly held in the loving, secure, double grip of Jesus Christ and God the Father! (John 10:28-29) May we keep on the right path (Psalm 119:105) leading to His perfect will for our lives!

© 2013 Laurie Collett
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  1. Hi Laurie,
    lovely post. As I was reading about your dream I was thinking exactly what you declared later on in your post, being double minded and easily enticed by what the world seems to offer. All the things offered in 'Planet hugs' were man made, no comparison to what God offers in Jesus. God bless

    1. Thanks, Brenda, for your thoughtful comment! We must be on guard to avoid the world's temptations and keep on the straight and narrow path to Him, for He is all we need!
      God bless,

  2. Great post Laurie,

    Far too many have ignored the James 1:2-5 in understanding 6-8. Real faith will result in a commitment to obey God, rather than enjoying what the world promises. How much of modern "Christianity" is focused on trying to get the world's things in a religious way.

    1. Thanks, Donald!
      Without faith, we cannot have wisdom, and without wisdom, we will not see the need to obey. Sad but true comment on where many churches today are headed.
      May you have a blessed week in Him!

  3. Yes, there will be New Planet - New Earth with New Heaven. This all is planned by God for us.
    Sometimes I think, that contemporary, modern cities can be well called as Sodome. Sometimes I think that way about my own city, where is a lot of false cults, deviations, rebellion... It is Planet Hugs...
    When I think about it, I always have reflection, that our Lord is very patient and full of grace. Greetings for You Laurie - May God bless You in next week!

    1. Yes, Zim, many cities today are like Sodom & Gomorrah. Praise God that He will make a new Heaven and new earth for the new Jerusalem. I agree that His great mercy has postponed the Rapture until everyone is saved who will be saved.
      God bless you too!

  4. Surely a nightmare. How often we search for hugs when they are available from our Heavenly Father.

    1. A nightmare indeed! When I was born again I felt His loving embrace, and so many times since! Nothing the world offers even comes close.
      My you have a blessed week in Him!

  5. It's easy to get lost in what we think is comforting or good, but if it doesn't bear the right fruit... How wonderful that you get reminders in your sleep. That's a gift, I think. :)

    1. Good is often the enemy of best. Whatever "good" the world may offer is no gift if it keeps us from our Lord or His plan for our life. Thanks for your encouraging comment & God bless!

    2. I haven't heard that saying before, but you're right, good really can be the enemy of best. I may have to borrow that when I'm pep talking one of the kids at some point. :)

    3. Our pastor & others in our church use it a lot -- it's like a paraphrase of the verses in Hebrews distinguishing "sins" from "weights." Good can be a weight if it keeps us from God's best.
      God bless,

  6. Awesome post, Laurie,
    You have very vivid dreams and recall. Mine usually make no sense except one which I had to ask a friend to help me with. She told me to ask God. Very interesting the interpretation that God gave me.
    Blessings and thanks for linking to Sunday Stillness.

    1. Thanks, Janis! God will freely give wisdom to all His children who ask Him. I keep paper and a pen near my bed so that I can jot down interesting dreams, but all too often I forget them before I get the pen out! But I'm thankful for the ones God does allow me to remember, and for His interpretation.
      Thanks for hosting & blessings to you & your ministry!

  7. What a dream!! It is so easy to be enticed by what the world has to offer. The crazy place we live now... Thanks for stopping by this weekend and linking up with my NO RULES Weekend Blog Party :)


    1. You're right, Paula -- the world seems to get crazier by the day. Praise God that He is coming back soon!
      Thanks for your comment & for hosting & God bless!

  8. Thanks, Denise! Blessings to you,

  9. Hi Laurie, thank you for listing your testimony at Encourage 24/7. Is our God not amazing? Shoeing us His love and His desire for our salvation at every turn. Thank you lovely lady. God bless

    1. Thank you, Tracy, for your lovely comment and for hosting the lovely 24/7 community! Amen that we serve an amazing, loving God Who alone can save!
      Blessings to you,

  10. Laurie,
    This is getting to be a habit - following you. Is God telling us something?
    Anyway - I have read before and loved your post.
    Wednesday's Word is open if you haven't linked yet. (I haven't had time to look myself :))

    1. Thanks Laurie for entering your Link on Wednesday's Word.

    2. Thanks, Janis, for your sweet comment & for hosting! With God, there are no coincidences! :-)
      God bless,

  11. Hi Laurie!

    I just wanted to say thanks for stopping by and linking up with my Oh HAPPY Day party! You made my day!


    1. Hi Holly! Thanks so much for hosting, for following, & for your lovely comment! God bless,

  12. Hello! Found you on the Aloha Blog hop.
    I am your newest follower, would you care to return the favor?

    1. Thanks Krysti, for following! I'm following you back!
      God bless,

  13. What a wordful post! Love the bright city lights.

    Thanks for sharing at my Wordless Wednesday Linky.

    Diana from NannyToMommy

    1. Thanks, Diana, for your comment & for hosting!
      Have a blessed week in Him!

  14. Amen and amen!! I love this post. So on point. God is good all the time and we need to trust on Him and His Word Will and Way unconditionally. Love this.

    1. Thanks so much, Jean, for your encouraging comment! He wants to bless us so richly, if we just open our arms and our hearts to believe and receive His grace and unconditional love!
      God bless,

  15. Amen! Sorry I'm late getting here...thank you for adding your wonderful blog to the Thursday Favorite Things hop. xo

    1. Thanks, Katherine, for hosting & for your lovely comment! Blessings to you,

  16. Your dream was vivid and the warning sign at the gate was hidden from view, yet once inside and relaxing the visitor was soon smothered in the memories through out time and it looked like death awaited. Such a view of what happens when we fail to heed signs and make wrong turns. Thank you for sharing at "Tell Me a Story."

    1. Thanks, Hazel, for hosting & for your insightful comment. The signs are there, if we are vigilant to notice and heed them. The devil puts many distractions in our path to blind and confuse us, but He will always give us a way out of temptation if we so choose.
      God bless,

  17. Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful post at Simple & Sweet Fridays. New Follower.


    1. Thanks so much, Jody, for following & for your sweet comment!
      Blessings to you,
