While browsing through my junk emails, I spotted what
appeared to be a good deal on a trip to Costa Rica. My husband and I have
always heard of the pristine beauty of this country and had spoken of visiting
one day, yet that day had never yet seemed to come.
And while I’m not a fan of bucket lists, I also had come to
realize that zip lining was an adventure I had always longed to experience – a
perfect blend of my love for “flying” (which partly explains why I so love
Theatre Arts dancing) and for nature. There are several such attractions in
Florida where we live, but somehow hanging suspended over alligators didn’t
sound too appealing.
My husband was also intrigued by the opportunity to visit
Costa Rica, but we both wondered whether we should spend the time and money,
when there were so many pressing concerns in our lives at home that we needed
to address. So we agreed to pray about it.
After a few days of prayer, I still had no clear sense of
direction, so I asked the Lord to give me some sort of sign. Although Jesus
spoke of the Pharisees as being a wicked and adulterous generation because they
needed a sign (Matthew 16:4), His Word also promises to give wisdom liberally to all who ask Him (James 1:5).
Shortly after I prayed for confirmation from the Lord, I
ventured onto Facebook, where the first post I saw pictured a wistful elderly
woman with the caption beneath, “Do what you’ve always wanted to do today, for
we are not promised tomorrow.” (James 4:14)
“That seems pretty clear, Lord,” I prayed. “Would you mind
very much just sending me one additional confirmation?”
Now I felt like Gideon, asking God for yet another
miraculous sign, except that I felt even more presumptuous as I was asking for
guidance about whether or not to take a vacation, and not about a decisive
battle that would affect the lives and destiny of many people (Judges 6:36-40).
But the Lord is interested in all our needs (Matthew 6; 10:29-31), and no
matter is too large or too small to bring to Him in prayer (Philippians 4:6). If we don’t bring
our prayer needs to Him, how can we expect Him to answer? (James 4:2-3)
So as I happened to check my emails, the most recent
message was a solicitation from Barclay’s Bank, which caught my eye as Barclay
is my maiden name, even though I am no relation.
“Make this the year you resolve to travel more,” said the
message! I rushed out to tell Richard
that God had sent me two clear confirmations that we should take this trip,
even though they came from sources as unlikely as Facebook and a solicitation
It is true that God most often speaks to His children
through His Word (Psalm 119:105),
through sermon messages (Romans 10:17),
and through Godly counsel (Hebrews 10:25;
Proverbs 27:17). But we should not put God in a box and apply our
expectations to His infinite powers, for He can also speak through dreams (Genesis 31:11), nature (Proverbs 6:6), and presumably even
seemingly trivial communications crossing our desk, mailbox or computer screen.
We both then felt at peace about embarking on this journey
and eagerly planned our stay and excursions. We continued to pray (1 Thessalonians 5:17) for safety
and health while we were gone, both for ourselves and for our loved ones; for
safe, smooth, comfortable travel; for pleasant accommodations, excursions,
food, weather and company; and to grow closer to each other and to Him (James 4:8) as we experienced the majesty
and beauty of His creation (Psalm 19:1).
Praise God, He answered every prayer! He allowed us to
experience a land we had long dreamed of, to see a vast variety of wildlife in
its natural setting, and to interact with pleasant people and to share God’s
love with them (John 13:34-35).
We distributed Gospel tracts carrying the message that all who trust in the
death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the only Way (John 14:6) to Heaven will have
eternal life (1 Corinthians 15:1-4;
John 3:16).
The trip was a much needed opportunity for relaxation and
continued restoration (1 Peter 5:7;
Psalm 23:2-3) after a long period of stress and illness, and we are
blessed and thankful that we interrupted our usual routine to take it, and to
be still and know that He is God (Psalm
We honor God when we turn to Him for guidance in all
matters, great and small (Psalm 27:8),
and I believe He honors His promises to answer prayer in the best possible way,
from His perfect, omniscient, omnipotent viewpoint of infinite love. Jesus told
us to seek, and we would find; to ask, and it would be answered; and to knock,
and the doors of opportunity would be opened (Matthew 7:7-8).
As the zip line guide fitted me with heavy rigging before
we sailed over the treetops, she asked if I had ever done this before, and if I
were nervous. “This is my first time, and I’m not at all nervous, but I am
praying a lot,” I answered truthfully, filled with the peace that passes all
understanding (Philippians 4:7).
This peace (Isaiah
26:3) carried me through some challenging moments on the zip line, such
as when my body weight was insufficient to carry me to the next platform and I
had to turn myself around on the cable, climbing hand over hand backwards along
the cable to pull myself to my destination!
Perhaps being just a little closer to Heaven added.to the
joy of experiencing the jungle canopy, the plunging descent of the waterfall
beside us at one point, and the exhilarating feeling of flight. Praise God that
He guides us, answers prayer, wants to bless us with good gifts (Matthew 7:11), and gives us
richly all things to enjoy! (1 Timothy 6:17)
© 2018 Laurie Collett

Dear Laurie,
It looks as if you had a good time at Costa Rica. We can be grateful that God will fulfil the desires of the heart to all who trusts in him - Psalm 37:4.
I'm pleased for you both. Often it is the need to leave the home shoreline and travel overseas to appreciate various species of Creation which cannot flourish healthily at our home location. This is certainly true here in the UK, where date palms and other tropical vegetation cannot thrive in a natural environment, due to our climate. Likewise, if I want to look at a range of high mountains, the nearest such range is at the European Alps which straddles Switzerland, France, and Italy.
When I backpacked Florida in 1978, particularly around Miami, I was overwhelmed by the abundance of coconut palm trees, which were quite different from the palm trees which flourished in abundance in San Diego, which were again different to those which thrived in southern Italy. But what I have found most awesome were the mangroves - the trees which grows straight out of the sea along the Australian coastline.
Then not to mention the glory of the Grand Canyon!
How great are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you made them all: Psalm 104:24.
When it comes to travel and vacations, I could go on forever.
God bless, and thank you for sharing your adventures.
Dear Frank,
It is so true that a change of scene and geography often helps us appreciate His creation more and grow closer to Him. You and we are blessed that He allowed us to go on so many different adventures across the globe. Thank you for your encouraging comment and for sharing Scripture and your experiences.
God bless,
Praise God you were able to go and enjoy the things God has made. Thanks to his amazing variety it is never boring.
Amen! The heavens and all creation declares His handiwork! God bless,
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